

Applications for enrolment can be made throughout the year. All families seeking an enrolment for their child must make a time to meet with the Principal or their representative as part of the enrolment process. The child to be enrolled should also attend this meeting. 

As part of our enrolment process for Foundation students, we use a simple screening assessment. This has no bearing on whether an enrolment is accepted but rather allows us to identify the needs of students entering St Mary’s. 

In support of an enrolment request, we ask all new families to complete an Enrolment Enquiry form. Once a place has been offered, parents need to complete an Application for Enrolment form as this provides us with the administrative details required to process an enrolment application. This must be completed prior to a student starting school.

For students transferring from another school, parents or caregivers must give permission for student data to be transferred from the child’s previous educational setting. 

Under Victorian State Government guidelines, children entering Foundation must turn five on or before April 30 of the year they enter Foundation to be eligible for school enrolment. Up to date vaccination records are also legally required.

St Mary’s welcomes all students irrespective of faith or background. Under the terms of our Enrolment policy, all baptised Catholic children living in the Catholic parish of Ararat have a right to a place at St Mary’s.  Children of other faiths or from a non-faith background will also be considered provided this does not exclude a Catholic student. All parents are required to provide an understanding that they will respect the structures, traditions and Catholic identity of our school; participation in Religious Education and Catholic liturgical celebrations are a non-negotiable aspect of enrolment at St Mary’s

If you are interested in enrolling your child at St Mary's, please complete the Enrolment Enquiry Form below:

Please click on the link below to learn all about our school: