St Mary's Parish Primary School originated as a result of the 1850's gold rush and the ensuing permanent settlement of the Ararat district. In 1889 the Brigidine Sisters took over the running of the school from lay teacher, Mr Thomas Williams, thus securing for Ararat's Catholic community a firm basis for their educational and religious development.
The current school was built in 1963 with numerous additions and refurbishments since that time, notably with the building of our undercover area as part of the Commonwealth Governments ‘Building the Education Revolution’ project.
The cross in the top section of the crest is that of St Brigid. This cross is based on the simple cross of reeds which tradition says St Brigid used when teaching the truths of the Catholic faith. The small lamp in the lower section of the crest represents the light of the Christian faith and the light of learning.
The motto "Strength and Gentleness" (Fortiter et Suaviter), was the motto of the Founder of the Brigidine Sisters, Bishop Daniel Delaney. The motto sets before us the virtues of strength and gentleness, so characteristic of St Brigid and challenges us all to be ‘people of strength' and ‘people of gentleness'.
Vision Statement
St Mary’s is a Catholic school community inspired by the Gospel, and in the spirit of the Brigidine tradition, we are
committed to “learning for all, fairness for all, compassion for all” .
Mission Statement
Catholic School Culture
We are inspired by Christ and our Catholic faith tradition to respond to the challenges of the Gospel in our world
today. We are called to be the presence of Christ for one another and act for social justice with strength and
Community Engagement
We welcome all people in the Brigidine tradition of inclusiveness and belonging. We engage in meaningful and
collaborative relationships with all members of our community to ensure the best outcomes for all.
Leadership and Stewardship
We empower all to contribute positively to our world. We embed a culture of collaboration with purpose and clarity
to ensure high levels of learning for all.
Learning and Teaching
We cultivate a passion for learning by inspiring and challenging each other. We engage and support learners at
their point of need to ensure that all learners can reach their full potential.
We create a safe, inclusive environment that celebrates effort and achievement and promotes dignity and fullness
of life for all.
We identify, respect and celebrate the unique gifts of all people to nurture their wellbeing.