Term 3 Week 1 - Friday 14th July 2023
From our Principal
Dear families,
Welcome to Term Three! Students have returned, looking refreshed and ready for a full term of learning. It is always so lovely to see them safe and well on the first day of term, looking like they are keen to return to their friends, school routines and they have often had a growth spurt! There seems to be an increasing number of students taller than me!
I am pleased to advise that Celine Joyce and Lilly Hamilton will be teaching in JLC 1, allowing Jo Price four weeks additional leave. I am confident that the collaboration between Julie and Lisa, as the other teachers in the Junior Learning Community, as well as Rachel and Di as learning support, will enable students to continue to learn in a supportive, engaging and stimulating environment.
We continue to work closely with Sandy Law and her team of architects to refine our building programme. I hope to be in a position to share some plans and images with you in the next couple of weeks. The intention is that our building works will begin mid-way through Term 1 next year. I will keep you updated as more information comes to hand.
Creator God,
Thank you for the gift of this new term.
Refresh us. Invite us to discover your presence
In each person that we meet
And every event that we encounter.
Teach us when to speak and when to listen
When to ponder and when to share.
In moments of challenge and decision
Attune our hearts to the whisperings of your wisdom.
As we undertake ordinary and unnoticed tasks,
Gift us with simple joy.
When our days go well, may we rejoice.
When they grow difficult, surprise us with
New possibilities.
When life is overwhelming, call us to
Sabbath moments
To restore your peace and harmony.
May our living today reveal your goodness.
- Pat Bergen, C.S.J
Every blessing for the week ahead.
DOJO Celebration - Bok's Big Day Out T2
Congratulations to the students below, for being the top 20% DOJO point earners in their classes during Term 2!
They were treated with a morning out at the cinema today to see "Cats in the Museum"
FOUNDATION - Ellie, Luca, Ruby, Lilly
JLC1 - Eliza, Raghav, Arabelle, Eamon
JLC2 - Amelia, Ruby, Xavier, Ryley, Elliott
MLC1 - James, Loella, Henry, Georgie
MLC2 - Eva, Willow, Isabelle, Izzy
SLC1 - Sienna, Eden, Stella
SLC2 - Maddison, Charlotte, Georgia, Matilda


Our birthday celebrations during the school holidays:
Ellashaye B, Veronica O, Lucas P, Harry B, Hamish M, Jack C, Bailey N, Joanne C, Ava C, Hamish S & Arabelle B
Our birthday celebrations this week:
Zebina L
Ararat Parish
Every Friday at 2.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room
Thursday 20th July
Book Club Issue 5 Orders Due
Tuesday 1st August
Parent Teacher Interviews from 3.30pm - 6.00pm
Thursday 3rd August
Parent Teacher Interviews from 2.20pm - 6.00pm
Monday 14th August
MLC & SLC Golf Clinic
Monday 21st August - Friday 25th August
Book Week
Thursday 31st August
Black Ranges Athletics
Monday 4th September
Middle Learning Community Camp - further details to follow
Tuesday 5th September
Middle Learning Community Camp - further details to follow
Thursday 14th September
Students finish Term 3
Normal dismissal @ 3.15pm
Friday 15th September
Student Free Day
Friday 15th September
Wednesday 1st November
Issue 5 Book Club Special