Term 2 Week 8 - Friday 16th June 2023
From our Principal
Dear Families,
Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
A reflection by J. Philip Newell from Celtic spirituality invites us into the sacredness of the heartbeat of our God in our world today...
We awaken to a world that is Sacred.
We are immersed in the Sacred.
A moment of stillness, a quiet pause,
and we sense the Presence of the Sacred,
an energy alive and pulsing
at the heart of every being,
at the heart of all creation.
We can learn to lean into that Presence,
to listen for the Heartbeat of God.
We’re led to listen deeply then
for the heartbeat of the Sacred
—within ourselves, within one another,
within the body of Earth,
that one heartbeat making all of us ONE.
We honour that Sacred within ourselves, within one another,
within our Holy Earth.
We become bearers of the Holy to the world.
I am extremely excited that Helen Kirkpatrick will be joining our team. She will be teaching in the 5/6 Learning Community 3 days per week, sharing a class with Toni Stockwell. Helen comes to us with a wealth of experience having taught at Ararat West Primary School, most recently. She has already proven her ability to build productive relationships with students and provide relevant feedback that can help students to achieve their best. I am confident that, with Helen’s passion for education, a high quality learning programme will be maintained for the remainder of the year.
I wish to acknowledge Toni Stockwell who has worked flexibly to maintain her other leadership responsibilities to ensure that the students in her class were put first! This often resulted in a significant workload out of hours. I also wish to acknowledge the support of students and families as we have navigated this recruitment process. Your patience, resilience and trust in the School has yet again demonstrated what a fabulous community we have at St Mary’s. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Our building project continues to make headway albeit slowly! As has been announced previously, we have been successful in securing a $2,000,000 Capital Grant through the 2019 – 2023 Victorian Government Capital Funding Program. This Grant enables St Mary’s to proceed with Stage 1 of our Masterplan, which includes the demolition of some existing learning areas to be replaced with a new learning facility comprising learning areas, administration space, staff amenities and associated spaces. Siteworks will also include a covered outdoor learning space. Stage 1 of our Masterplan will deliver significant functional and aesthetic transformation to the western end of our school. This will improve our learning spaces and beautify our street presence, while significantly enhancing our learning vision. The anticipated completion date for our Stage 1 transformational building works is Term 3, 2024. Stay tuned for further updates.
Every blessing,
Black Ranges Winter Sports
Despite the chilly weather conditions at North Park in Stawell yesterday, our senior learning community team had a great day playing both soccer and netball!

2023 St Mary's Got Talent Winners
As you may be aware, our student leaders have been running the annual "St Mary's Got Talent" talent show over the past few weeks at lunch time in the Multi Purpose Room. Today was the Grand Final.
Congratulations to Tom & Henry on winning with their Rubik's Cube act!

END OF TERM: Next Friday 23rd June, we finish school early at 2.15pm
CHANGE OF DATE: Students will return to school after the holidays on Monday 10th July, not Tuesday 11th July as previously advertised in our dates
Our birthday celebrations this fortnight:
Tom, James, Narayan & Rogan

Every Friday at 2.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room
Tuesday 20th June
JLC Walking Excursion to Langi Morgala Museum
Friday 23rd June
Last Day of Term 2
Early dismissal @ 2.15pm
Monday 10th July
Students Return Term 3
Friday 15th September
Wednesday 1st November