Term 2 Week 6 - Friday 2nd June 2023
From our Principal
Dear families,
This week, the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of the Visitation where Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth to share the joyful news of her pregnancy.
The Visitation showcases the solidarity and mutual support between Mary and Elizabeth - two important female figures in the Bible. Through their encounter, they become witnesses to God's liberating action in the world. The Visitation illustrates the interconnectedness of humanity and the embodiment of God's love. Mary's visit to Elizabeth embodies the divine presence among us, reminding us that we encounter God in the relationships we nurture and the acts of compassion we extend to one another.
Joan Chittester offers a different Hail Mary which invites reflection on the fullness of God and graces in our own lives...
Hail Mary, full of grace, give us a sense of the fullness of God in our lives. Because Jesus was with you, all women are full of graces, too long denied, too long undeveloped. Blessed are you as a woman. Without you the Incarnation would never have been possible. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, so that Jesus may be seen in the women of our day, now and for all eternity. Amen.

From our Parish Priest
A Long Way into the “Yes”
When the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum comes along, I expect to be voting “yes.” There’s more debate to come but I’m a long way into the “yes.” The people who had their land and children taken continue to struggle. “Closing the Gap” data shows a systemic travesty. When one group of people languish in health, life-expectancy, education, incarceration rates, deaths in custody … we cannot continue with more of the same or be satisfied with the hope of incremental improvements. Deep listening is missing. It is time to be still and listen, really listen, hear what they hear, see what they see, not only for the first people, but for everyone.
Peter Dutton said two questionable things recently. To suggest that our first nations people are anywhere near “more equal” is a disgraceful distortion. They are so far from equal. He said that the Voice “will permanently divide us by race” and “re-racialise” Australia. I don’t mind that. Equal and race-blind would be great if we were equal and race-blind, but we’re not. Systemic travesty. The first people need to be heard.
I live in the foothills of Gariwerd. They say we have six seasons here. I only know about the ones they had in England. Time for me to be still and listen and learn the seasons where I live. And other things. I’m a long way into the “yes.”
St Mary's Open Day Thursday 8th June

Our birthday celebrations this week:
Matilda L, Georgie C & Charlotte S

Every Friday at 2.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room
Wednesday 7th June
Black Ranges Winter Sports (SLC1 & 2)
Thursday 8th June
St Mary's Open Day
Tours at 9.15am and 12.15pm
Meet in Front Office - all current and prospective families welcome
Friday 9th June
Student Free Day
Monday 12th June
King's Birthday Public Holiday (formerly Queen's birthday)
Friday 16th June
Last Lunch Order Day for Term 2
Friday 23rd June
Last Day of Term 2
Monday 10th July
Student Free Day
Tuesday 11th July
Students Return Term 3
Friday 9th June
Monday 10th July
Friday 15th September
Wednesday 1st November