Term 1 Week 9 - Friday 24th March 2023
From our Principal
Dear families,
This weekend celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation - a significant event in the Christian tradition, marking the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. Mary is a model of faith and trust. She says "yes" to God's plan despite the uncertainties and challenges that lay ahead of her. This is an example for all of us, especially in times of crisis and uncertainty. Maybe Mary's trust in God can inspire us to remain steadfast and hopeful when we are unsure of where the journey ahead of us might lead.
I wish to thank our families who supported an early finish on Thursday afternoon. This enabled the majority of our staff to attend the funeral of Sophia Van Opstal. It is a blessing to work in such a caring and compassionate community.
On Thursday, our teaching team is meeting with Margaret Hill and Rose Rowe to examine the Uluru Statement of the Heart. Understanding the impact of this statement in light of the upcoming referendum is important for us all. I invite parents to come along and learn with us (Thursday 30th March 3:30-4:30pm).
Every blessing for the week ahead.
Sports Day Helpers
Sports Day BBQ Roster

Easter Raffle
Don't forget to return books, money and donations to the office by next Thursday 30th March, if you haven't already! Winners will be drawn and notified during the last week of term.

IGA Community Benefits Program
We have just signed up as part of the Community Benefits Program at IGA. Please see attached flyer to sign up!
Parish Bulletin
Thursday 30th March
SSG Meetings
Staff Meeting "Uluru Statement of the Heart" from 3.30 - 4.30 ALL WELCOME
Friday 31st March
Athletics Carnival @ Alexandra Oval
Thursday 6th April
End of Term 1
Whole School Music Performance **NOW POSTPONED TO EARLY TERM 2**
Early finish at 2.15pm
Monday 24th April
Start of Term 2
Tuesday 25th April
ANZAC Day Public Holiday - no school
Tuesday 9th May
Monday 10th July
Friday 15th September
Wednesday 1st November
Our birthday celebrations this week:
Pia C

In Our Community
Please see below link for a $50 discount on AUSKICK for any child in Ararat: