Term 1 Week 6 - Friday 3rd March 2023
From Our Principal
Dear families,
The Catholic Church has entered its second week of Lent - a period of forty days leading up to Easter, during which Catholics are called to focus on spiritual growth and prepare themselves for the celebration of Christ's resurrection.
One of the key themes of Lent is the call to deeper relationship with God. This involves self-reflection and recognition of the areas where one might have fallen short. Another important theme of Lent is solidarity with those who are suffering and the importance of living in solidarity with those who are marginalized. This might involve acts of charity or social justice work, as well as prayer and reflection on how we can live more simply and humbly.
Our school supports Caritas Australia during Lent. Each classroom has a donation box where students and staff can contribute coins each day during class prayer. We also have a casual clothes day coming up in which a gold coin donation will contribute to the school funds that are raised for this important organisation. We encourage families to support these initiatives.
Every blessing for the week ahead.
Black Ranges Swiiming Carnival
Congratulations to our 6 students representing St Mary’s at the Black Ranges Swimming Carnival yesterday. They all did us very proud.

Reminder - School Photo Day next Thursday 9th March
School photo envelopes have now been sent home. Your child/ren need to bring them to school on school photo day.
Family envelopes are also available at the office if you wish to have a family photo taken. Family photos will be taken before school from 8.30am in the Multi Purpose Room.

Casual Clothes Day - Friday 10th March
I love supporting student lead initiatives.
This term, students in grades 3/4 have been pracitising their persuasive writing techniques. Willow, in year 4, wrote me a letter persuading me to scrap the school uniform and allow students to wear casual clothes every day. Willow and I had a meeting and discussed her letter, the persuasive techniques that she had used and the importance of a St Mary's School Uniform. We then began to compromise! Willow and I have decided to have a casual clothes day on Friday 10th March.
Students are invited to make a gold coin donation which will support our school's project compassion appeal during Lent.
Helpers wanted!
We are seeking expessions of interest for volunteers to help cook the BBQ at our Athletics Carnival, Friday 31st March. Please contact the office if you wish to pop your name down

Seeking Easter Raffle Donations
It's that time of year again! We are holding our annual Easter raffle and are seeking bunnies and eggs etc. from our families. These can be dropped into the office between 8.30am - 4.00pm daily. More information and tickets will go home with students in the coming week.

Parish Bulletin
Wednesday 8th March
Final Foundation Rest Day
Thursday 9th March
School Photo Day
Family photos from 8.30am in MPR
Friday 10th March
Casual Clothes Day
Gold coin donation for Project Compassion
Issue 2 Book Club Orders Due
Whole School Prayer - SLC1 @ 2.45pm
Monday 13th March
Labour Day Public Holiday - no school
Wednesday 15th March - Monday 27th March
NAPLAN - Grades 3 & 5
Friday 17th March
Whole School Prayer - SLC2 @ 2.45pm
Thursday 23rd March
SSG Meetings
Friday 24th March
SSG Meetings
Last Lunch Order Day
Whole School Prayer - MLC1 @ 2.45pm
Thursday 30th March
SSG Meetings
Friday 31st March
Athletics Carnival @ Alexandra Oval
Thursday 6th April
End of Term 1
Whole School Music Performance from 1pm
Early finish at 2.15pm
Monday 24th April
Start of Term 2
Tuesday 25th April
ANZAC Day Public Holiday - no school
Tuesday 9th May
Monday 10th July
Friday 15th September
Wednesday 1st November
2023 School Data Collection Notice
In Our Community