Term 1 Week 3 - Friday 10th February 2023
From our Principal
Junior Learning Community
Important PAM Account Information
Lost Property
2023 School Fee Information
CSEF & Family Fee Assistance
Pink Family Forms Due
Happy Birthday!
Parish Bulletin
2023 St Mary's Canteen Price List
Expressions of Interest - Piano Lessons
In Our Community
From our Principal
Dear families,
My Gospel inspiration for this week comes from Matthew. He writes: "No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others..."
The light referred to in this verse is often interpreted as the light of faith, and the call to be a light to the world is a call to live out our faith in a way that is visible to others. It’s a reminder for us to be living examples of the love, compassion, and mercy to those around us.
To that end, I wish to extend my love, thoughts and prayers to Father Andrew Hayes and his family. Andrew’s father, Alwyn ‘Jock’ Hayes passed away Sunday night aged 84. Jock’s life will be celebrated on Monday at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Ballarat.
It has been wonderful to chat with our students over the past week and to note how excited they were to be back at school. The first weeks of School are focussed on building and strengthening relationships, becoming familiar with routines and nurturing a sense of belonging. We look forward to continuing this learning journey with our upcoming student Meet and Greets.
Every blessing
Junior Learning Community
"The Best Part of Me"


Important PAM Account Information
Most of our families should be aware that our student administration system SIMON upgraded PAM over the holiday break. Last week we rolled out our new PAM accounts via email. If you haven't done so already, could you please ensure your PAM account is active and that your child/ren's medical profiles are updated ASAP.
Thank you!
Lost Property
We have had a number of jumpers go missing since the start of the term. Please check your child's jumper to make sure it is theirs. If not, please return any that are not to the office.
If you have purchased any jumpers recently (new or second hand) please make sure they are named so that they are easy to return to their owner.
Thank you!
2023 School Fee Information
CSEF & Family Fee Assistance
Fee assistance forms are now available at the front office for eligible families to receive an annual discount on your school fees. Please bring your up to date health care card or pension card with you so that we can obtain a copy.
Forms will need to be completed by FRIDAY 24th FEBRUARY
Pink Family Forms Due
Family forms need to be handed in to the office by FRIDAY 24th FEBRUARY
Happy Birthday!

To the folowing students who celebrated over the school holidays and the first 2 weeks of school:
Amelia P, Rafferty B, Willow K, Otis M, Inez P, Phoebe H, Libby H, Jasmine J, Isabelle P, Tanner W, Izabelle B, Sienna H, Elliott B & Ellie P
Parish Bulletin
Tuesday 14th February
Whole School Mass 12.15pm @ The Church
Friday 17th February
Book Club orders due
Wednesday 22nd February
Foundation Rest Day
Parent Teacher Meet & Greets from 3.30pm
Thursday 23rd February
Parent Teacher Meet & Greets from 3.30pm
Wednesday 1st March
Foundation Rest Day
Thursday 2nd March
Black Ranges Swimming
Wednesday 8th March
Final Foundation Rest Day
Thursday 9th March
School Photos
Black Ranges Tennis
Monday 13th March
Labour Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 15th March
Foundation students at school full time
Wednesday 15th March - Monday 27th March
NAPLAN - Grades 3 & 5
Thursday 23rd March
SSG Meetings
Friday 24th March
SSG Meetings
Thursday 30th March
SSG Meetings
Friday 31st March
Athletics Carnival @ Alexandra Oval
Thursday 6th April
End of Term 1
Whole School Music Performance from 1pm
Early finish at 2.15pm
Monday 24th April
Start of Term 2
Tuesday 25th April
Tuesday 9th May
Student Free Day - Staff PD
2023 St Mary's Canteen Price List
Expressions of Interest - Piano Lessons
Please call Virginia on 0455 139 101 if interested
2 spots available
In Our Community