Term 4 Week 10 - Friday 9th December 2022
From Our Principal
Dear families,
This week has been jam packed with quality teaching, learning and community events!
Thank you to our families who made it to the Cyber Safety Parent Session. It certainly was an eye-opening evening with even the most diligent parents (including myself) heading home to check their children’s devices.
After attending the Student Session and following-up with students in their classrooms, it is clear that many students are regularly using technology at home in a way that puts them at risk.
The list below are some safety tips that all parents and carers should be expecting of their children at home in order to keep them safe. This list has been collated based on the information and conversations I have had with our students this week.
- The use of laptops, phones or any internet enabled devices (iPad, Smart TVs, X-Box etc) SHOULD be in a common area of the house NOT IN THE BEDROOM OR BATHROOM! (If children need an alarm maybe buy them a clock radio)
- Do not exchange any personal information - this includes real names listed as profile names or identifiable on accounts
- Children under 13 years should not be on Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, Kik, SnapChat and many more.
- Social networking profiles should be set to private. Use all the security settings available to make the site as safe as possible
- Friends on social networking sites should be people that your child knows in real life. Regularly check your child’s friendship lists on all accounts
- Learn the lingo so that you can decipher some of the content if required
- Install filters and other monitoring/blocking software to minimise dangers. This is already done in school. Know the sites your child is accessing to ensure suitability. Filters can sometimes fail to protect and can be bypassed by a ‘tech savvy’ child
- Have a family internet contract and set house rules about what information your child can put onto websites or share with others
Over 130 parents, grandparents and parishioners came along to our retelling of the Nativity. I was so proud of the persistence and hard work that went into a successful showcase of song, dance, music, drama and storytelling. Thanks to Elissa for her steadfast commitment to teaching a high quality, skill-based Performing Arts programme. It never ceases to amaze me how much our students can learn in such a short space of time. Linda has worked hard to ensure our students' Advent and Christmas Art was on display - again highlighting a high-quality specialist programme that is enabling our students to truly shine.
As we enter into the third week of Advent, we begin to rejoice! This third week focuses our intention on joy. Joy is a very real and deep happiness that is rooted in faith and trust. The joy that we have and will experience during this season magnifies as we continue to prepare for the coming of Jesus into our lives.
Every blessing for the week ahead,

We always think of Jesus when He preaches, when He heals, when He travels, walks along the street, even during the Last Supper. But we aren't used to thinking about Jesus smiling, joyful. Jesus was full of joy, full of joy. It is His internal joy, the interior joy that He gives to us.
Cyber Safety Top Tips
2023 School Fee Information
Important PAM changes in 2023
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday 13th December
Whole School Transition Day
Thursday 15th December
End of Year Whole School Mass @ 9.30am
Year 6 Graduation @ 6pm
Friday 16th December
Year 6 Big Day Out
Students Last Day
Tuesday 20th December
Staff Last Day
Friday 27th January
Staff First Day 2023
Monday 30th January
Students First Day 2023
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this week:
Angus G

Parish Bulletin
Christmas Cards For Sale