Term 3 Week 10 - Friday 16th September 2022
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From our Principal
Dear families,
What a fabulous turnout we had for the Bush Dance. It was absolutely joyful to share in dancing and laughing with so many people carving it up on the dance floor! The incredible bush themed aesthetic was simply amazing thanks to our ‘artist in residence’ Stacey Brodie. The smiling faces, amidst the beautiful back-drop, combined with over 200 people from 61 families was just delightful.
Successful school community events can only happen with the support of our families. Our Community Team supported the event both financially and organisationally and we couldn’t have done it without them. A shout out to - Meg Harrington, Michelle Start, Faith Martin, Janelle Lewis, Jessica Humphries, Sarah Moran, Scott Rigby, Melanie Roberts, Ellie Fordham, Grace Dunmore, Jess Marsh, Nat Louder, Leah McCarthy, Nicki McAloon, Emma Preston and Jo Jackson (I hope that I haven’t left anyone off this list). If you would like to get involved with the Community Team, in any capacity at all, please contact the School.
A shout out to our sponsors who generously supported our raffle!
ISJ Building, Bikes on Latrobe, Mitre 10, We’re Knot Crazy, Ararat Farm Supplies, SB Creations, Price Family, Start Family, Christie Family, Roberts Family, Lewis Family, Ararat Dental, Fred & Bets, Intersport, Fosters Mensland, Carroll’s Saddlery, 2 Taggs, Seppelts, Reece Plumbing, Zest Living & Lyal Eales.
While we wanted to keep the cost to families to a minimum, we were still able to raise over $1900. This will go back into the Community Team account and used at a later date to support learning outcomes for our students.
The Billy Tea Bush Band also supported our Showcase of Learning. Our learning focus in Performing Arts this term has been ‘Dance’. During the Term students explored line dance, contemporary dance and folk dance. Each year level has worked on one folk dance to perform. The Junior Learning Community demonstrated two circle dances. The Middle Learning Community showcased a very famous progressive dance. The Senior Learning Community performed a set dance that involved some complicated actions during The Waves of Tory. We know that it is difficult for some families to attend events during the day and appreciate those who came along so that the students had an audience. We hope that you enjoyed the Showcase! Thanks to Elissa for her skills and enthusiasm while so capably supporting our students in Performing Arts.
Every blessing for the term break.

Showcase of Learning Photo Gallery

Bush Dance Photo Gallery

Bush Dance Raffle Winners
Congratulations to the following winners of our Bush Dance raffle:
Amelia Preston, Wendy Brady, Sam Bourizk, Geraldine Stokes, Jo Rigby, Emma Coburn, Athalie Jende, Judd Potter, Melanie Roberts, Evie Harrington, Rebecca Rodger, Michelle Start, Hayden Price, Natalee Louder, Maddison Rodger, Jethro Bourizk, Di Cunningham, Lewis family, Joel May, Rafferty Burn, Amelia Griffiths, Olivia Davidson, Pieter Jardine, Grace Brady, Patrick Davidson, Eliza Lewis, Ari Strafehl, Arabelle Bourizk, Casey Smith
Footy Colours Day
Here are some photos of our Footy Colours Day on Wednesday! The winner of the goal kicking competition was Elliott Brady (Grade 1) representing Tatyoon Football Netball Club.

Student Leadership 2023
Our Year 5 students will soon begin preparing for formal leadership roles for 2023. This process is completed over many weeks, and culminates in students having the opportunity to apply for formal leadership roles for the 2023 school year.
Currently at St Mary's, our student leadership consists of:
- 1 male and 1 female School Captain
- 1 male and 1 female Vice School Captain
- 6 House leaders, 2 for each House (Lourdes, Fatima and Carmel) and any of these can be male or female candidates)
In recent weeks, a survey was sent to students, staff and families requesting their input into student leadership at St Mary's. It was clear that the majority of our community were satisfied with our current leadership structure (as mentioned above). Survey results also indicated that our community is keen for these elected student leaders to be the best candidates for each role, regardless of whether they are male or female. Thanks to all of those who contributed to the survey. This will help us form a pathway for student leadership at St Mary's.
Upcoming Dates
Monday 3rd October
Student Free Day
Tuesday 4th October
Students Return - Term 4
Thursday 6th October
MLC Camp @ Halls Gap
Friday 7th October
MLC Camp @ Halls Gap
Wednesday 12th October
Black Ranges Basketball - SLC
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this week & over the holidays:
Joel M, Theo P, Dexter C, Georgia R, Ryan S, Miley T & Jake O