Term 3 Week 9 - Friday 9th September 2022
From our Principal
Dear families,
Spring has (almost) sprung. The onset of Spring seems to unify the natural environment around us. Plants, trees and flowers come to life under the warming sun and spending time outside seems so much more inviting. During the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis invited us to examine our conscience as we connect with our natural environment. He asked that we show gratitude and gratuitousness and recognise that the world is God’s loving gift and we must show a loving awareness and connectedness to all of creation as we are “joined in a splendid universal communion.”
Every blessing for the week ahead.
Sports Update
Well done to all students who competed at the Black Ranges Athletics carnival held in Stawell last week. A special mention to Evie Harrington, Maddison Jardine and Narayan Prathivadi who have made it through to the Greater Western Region Athletics carnival to be held in Ballarat early next term.
Good luck to our golfers who will be competing in the Chalambar Primary School golf tournament this coming Monday. This year's squad includes Knox, Tyler, Darcy, Josh, Evie, Jasper, Maddison, Margrethe and Esther. Best of luck to all participants!
Footy Colours Day!

St Mary's Bush Dance
Bush Dance - Thursday 15th September 5:30 - 7:00pm
Don't forget to send through your family RSVP for our upcoming bush dance. There will be a bbq, spuds and raffle tickets for sale on the night.

Bush Dance - Donations for Raffle Wanted!
Upcoming Dates
Monday 12th September
Primary School Golf Tournament
Wednesday 14th September
Footy Colours Day
Thursday 15th September
Last Day of Term 3
Whole School Prayer @ 9am - Senior 2
Showcase of Learning @ 1.45pm
Normal finish @ 3.15pm
Bush Dance 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Friday 16th September
Student Free Day
Monday 3rd October
Student Free Day
Tuesday 4th October
Students Return - Term 4
Thursday 6th October
Middle LC Camp @ Halls Gap
Friday 7th October
Middle LC Camp @ Halls Gap
Wednesday 12th October
Black Ranges Basketball
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this week:
Mabel M, Pieter J, Judd M, Hudson D, Charlie G, Henry F, Millar B & Remy B