Term 3 Week 7 - Thursday 25th August 2022
Book Week Parade
Today we celebrated the end of Book Week with a parade in the Multi Purpose Room and group activities afterwards. Everyone made such a great effort with their costumes. Well done!

Fathers' Day Liturgy & Whole School Prayer
Please join us on Friday 2nd September for our Fathers' Day Liturgy and Whole School Prayer @ 9am. Morning tea will be supplied for our special dads and blokes.

Showcase of Learning - Performing Arts
On Thursday 15th September at 1:45pm families are invited to attend a Dance Showcase. All students from Foundation to Year 6 will be showcasing the dance skills that they have learnt in Performing Arts this term. It will be a fabulous celebration so please come along.
St Mary's Bush Dance
Bush Dance - Thursday 15th September 5:30 - 7:00pm
Save the date for our upcoming Bush Dance! Students have been working diligently during Performing Arts sessions to learn a variety of dance techniques for our upcoming Bush Dance. The Bush Dance will include live music from the renowned Billy Tea Bush Band. Dust off your dancing shoes and find your best bush dancing duds - it will be fun for the whole family! BBQ and spuds for sale on the night.

Bush Dance - Volunteers/Donations Wanted!
Upcoming Student Free Day
Friday 16th September

Grab & Go Fire Ready Bags
Each family should have now received a Grab & Go Fire Ready Bag. Thank you to Ararat Rural City Council for supplying these to our families. A great community initiative to be involved in.

Upcoming Dates
Friday 26th August
Circuit Breaker - NO SCHOOL
Monday 29th August
Circuit Breaker - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 30th August
Book Club Orders Due
Friday 2nd September
Fathers Day Liturgy/Whole School Prayer @ 9am - Junior 1
Morning tea to follow
Friday 9th September
Whole School Mass @ 9.15am
Thursday 15th September
Last Day of Term 3
Whole School Prayer @ 9am - Senior 2
Showcase of Learning @ 1.45pm
Normal finish @ 3.15pm
Bush Dance 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Friday 16th September
Student Free Day
Monday 3rd October
Start of Term 4
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this week:
Olive H, Isabel D, Esther T & Drake G