Term 2 Week 7 - Friday 10th June 2022
From Our Principal
Dear families,
The Catholic Church has recently celebrated 'Pentecost’. Pentecost Sunday is often called the birthday of the Church. For Christians, fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus (Easter), we celebrate Pentecost as described in the Acts of the Apostles. This story recounts the disciples gathered in a house in Jerusalem each hearing Paul preach in their own language. They heard, understood and delighted in messages about the wonders of God - each filled with the Holy Spirit!
By fabulous alignment, this year Pentecost fell during National Reconciliation Week with the theme ‘In this Together’. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit might move us to listen, learn and walk in unity with our First Nations sisters and brothers; acknowledging our shared history and committing to ongoing reconciliation.
How do we celebrate the gifts of the Spirit and how do we share these gifts with each other?
Come Holy Spirit! Come fire and flame, come wind and breath, come gifts and fruits, come everything we need this day to rekindle our lives, our Church, our world with your LOVE. Come HOLY SPIRIT! Come FIRE!
Every blessing for the week ahead.

Celebrating past student, professional cyclist Lucas Hamilton
Some of our community may have recently heard about the exploits of Lucas Hamilton, a past student of St Mary's, who recently came 13th overall in the second biggest road cycling race in the world, the Giro D'Italia. In 2021, he also competed at the Tokyo Olympics. We would like to congratulate Lucas on his current and past achievements, and wish him all the best in his future races. We are sure to hear a lot more from him in the years to come. Well done Lucas!

Lucas Hamilton cycling in the 2022 Giro D'Italia

Lucas at St Mary's in 2007

Lucas in 2022
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this week:
Tom S, James R & Tayla S

Upcoming Dates
Monday 13th June
Queen's Birthday
Tuesday 14th June
Student Free Day
Friday 17th June
WSP @ 9am- Middle 2
Last Lunch Order Day for Term 2
Friday 24th June
Last Day of Term 2
WSP @ 9am- Foundation
Early finish @ 2.15pm
Monday 11th July
First Day of Term 3
2023 Enrolments Now Open!
If you currently have a child at St Mary's and they have a sibling attending next year, please let us know so we can send an enrolment enquiry form home for you to complete.