Term 2 Week 4 - Friday 20th May 2022
From Our Principal
Fed Uni GRIP Leadership Conference
Head Lice
RAT Kits at Office
2023 Enrolments Now Open!
Jodi McGeary - Catholic Care School Counsellor
Happy Birthday!
Upcoming Dates
2022 Sacrament Program Information
Parish Bulletin
Ararat College Year 7 2023 Information Evening
Ararat Kindergarten Open Days
From Our Principal
Dear families,
There have been some nasty bugs going around School in the last couple of weeks. This week we have been averaging 25% of students absent due to illness. I wish to thank families who have made the necessary arrangements to keep students at home when they are sick. It goes a long way to stopping the spread of sickness among students and staff. At this stage, we have been able to manage staff absences and maintain onsite learning for students however I am acutely aware that this could change quite quickly if multiple staff fall ill at once. We will continue to take the necessary precautions at School to maintain a healthy work space for students and staff. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated. We haven’t even hit Winter yet!
Positive cases of COVID in the home
If someone in a household contracts COVID, the Government has stated that students can come to School provided they wear a mask and have a negative COVID result each morning. Parents MUST notify the School if there is a positive case in the house as soon as is practicable. If you feel more comfortable keeping your child home in case they are infectious, I fully support that decision. I am always willing to talk this through with each family so please give me a call if you are unsure of how to proceed.
We will welcome Ben O’Loughlan back to School on Monday. Ben took an unexpected period of Sick Leave last Term. Ben is very much looking forward to reconnecting with students and families when he returns.
Every blessing,
Fed Uni GRIP Leadership Conference
Our School captains, Vice Captains and House leaders joined students from a number of other schools at Federation University in Ballarat last week to learn about being better versions of themselves, and how this can help them make their school a better place.
Below is what our students had to say about the day.
One thing I learnt from the conference is about integrity.
Integrity is the quality of being honest, having a strong ethic and doing what is right for everyone.
One way to boost your integrity is by using STEP. Step is to Show what is right, Tell the truth, Encourage others to do what's right and to Persist if you are criticized.
I learnt that to be a leader you need to be good at listening and being able to ask questions. I learnt that we should be able to work as a team no matter who the person is even if they are from another school.
How to step up integrity.
Show what is right.
Tell the truth.
Encourage others to do what's right.
Persist if you are criticized.
I learnt that being a good leader is being bold and not settling for a good answer but a great answer. I also learnt to step up by taking initiative by helping others even without being asked. At the end a few people asked them questions. I asked “how do you stop littering around the edge of the school?”, and they said by coloring bins in house colors and making a competition to have the fullest bins or nude foods day. I definitely recommend this for student leaders of 2023.
Don't settle for the same as before, challenge yourself to achieve even more, by
Raising the standard of how we solve a problem.
Raising the standard of something already successful.
Raising the standard of how we help others.
“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”-John Maxwell. This quote was talked about in the GRIP LEADERSHIP conference and an activity in our activity book. I really enjoyed my time at Fed Uni and recommend it for other schools that didn’t go this time.
Judd: Leaders look for opportunities to do things better than they have ever been done before.
Stepping up to leadership
4 things for leaders to step up are
Serve others
Take initiative
Example- shows values
I enjoyed going to Fed Uni. I recommend it for next year's leaders. It's really fun to go up on stage, and you learn a lot.
When we step up and aim for more
We make things better than before
We want to be a shining light
So we give our best and do what is right
With what we do and what we say
We can inspire more people today
We put a smile on our face
And make our school a better place
As a team we will get more done
So let's get started and have lots of fun
This poem was mentioned in the GRIP LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. I definitely recommend this for the leaders of 2023.
At Fed Uni schools learnt how to be better leaders for our school. We each got a booklet with fun activities, and there were pages that had poems, S.t.e.p information, riddles, and we had these loud noise groups where we got to volunteer on stage. The day was really fun, but it was also just a little too long but I think they should definitely take the captains next year.
Nansi & Mabelle: The GRIP STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE is a practical and interactive training conference for student leaders. We had that great opportunity to go to this conference at Fed Uni, and we highly recommend this for future leaders and 5/6s. We volunteered for activities at the conference and had the opportunity to be brave and work as a team. This really taught us to show what is right, tell the truth, encourage others to do what is right and persist if you are criticized. I think this experience will improve our leadership in this school because we will know how to STEP UP and do more than ever before.

Head Lice
We have recently had some reported cases of head lice within our school community. Please check your child's hair if you notice any itching etc. and treat if required. Thank you.
RAT Kits at Office
We still have a substantial supply of RAT kits available for pick up from the office. It is recommended students still continue to test twice weekly. Please do not send your child to school if they are displaying symptoms of being unwell.
2023 Enrolments Now Open!
Jodi McGeary - Catholic Care School Counsellor

Hi, to all students, staff and parents of St. Marys Primary School.
My name is Jodi McGeary, and I am so pleased and excited to be apart of your school community. Every Tuesday I will be fulfilling the role as the Pastoral Care Officer, offering support to students and families to promote positive welfare & wellbeing.
Outlined in the school newsletter, is some information regarding CatholicCare and the support and services that I can provide, during my time at St Marys.
I am a qualified Counsellor with experience working with children and young people. I hope to incorporate ‘Mindfulness techniques’ along with social and emotional support to ensure a positive safe environment for students and their families.
I look forward to meeting and getting to know the school community.
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this week:
Sawyer J, Isobel L, Darcy C, Mabelle and Nansi B

Upcoming Dates
Friday 27th May
WSP @ 9am- Middle 1
Lunch Order Day
Wednesday 1st June
School Closure Day
Friday 3rd June
Black Ranges Winter Sports (Senior LC)
WSP @ 9am- Middle 2
Lunch Order Day
Friday 10th June
WSP @ 9am- Junior 1
Lunch Order Day
Friday 17th June
WSP @ 9am- Middle 2
Last Lunch Order Day for Term 2
Friday 24th June
Last Day of Term 3
WSP @ 9am- Foundation
Early finish @ 2.15pm
2022 Sacrament Program Information
Wednesday 1st June
Times: 3.15pm or 5.30pm
Parents of children of sacrament age (Year 3 and above) are invited to a meeting at the Parish Office to begin this year’s program for Confirmation and First Eucharist.
Parish Bulletin
Ararat College Year 7 2023 Information Evening