Term 1 Week 11 - Friday 8th April 2022
From Our Principal
Dear families,
For Christians, Holy Week is a very sacred time of the year, for it is now that we commemorate and remember the last week of Jesus' life on this earth. These are the days leading up to Easter when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
Easter is a time of renewal and a reminder that we can start afresh and come to know a new way of behaving and belonging.
This week some Grade 6 leaders reenacted a ‘Stations of Cross’ Liturgy each morning. Inspired by the Gospel, we explored the themes of ‘Finding Our Voice’, ‘Small Actions, Great Love’, ‘Our Common Home’ and ‘An Easter Perspective’ as a way to unpack the deep meaning of the way of the cross.
Loving God,
Thank you for making all things new.
We pray for all who bring your word of life as a light to those in darkness
For those who bring your word of peace
To those enslaved by fear,
For those who bring your word of love
To those in need of comfort.
Shine your light in us, through us; may we make a difference in this world.
May we reflect your peace and hope to a world that needs your presence and healing.
It has certainly been a busy week at St Mary’s. The Athletics Carnival was a huge success thanks to the organisation of Ben O’Loughlan, an amazing band of parent helpers, dedicated staff and students who were willing to have-a-go, encourage their peers and try their best.
In other Sports news, students in grades 3-6 participated in Cross Country trials this week. The weather was fantastic and students demonstrated exemplary sportspersonship as they tackled the middle distance tracks.
The Junior Learning Community have spent the week participating in water safety lessons at the Ararat Fitness Centre. There are some tired children (and staff) who have walked to the pool each day and engaged in our annual swimming programme. It has been a huge success. Thanks to all the parent/grandparent volunteers who have helped escort the students safely to the pool.
This week all students showcased the skills that they have been learning in Performing Arts. The showcase was a mix of vocal compositions, African drumming techniques and tuned and untuned percussion rhythms. The depth and breadth of learning was phenomenal and I congratulate each and every student for trying their best and producing some amazing sounds! I acknowledge the work of Elissa Gault who has worked diligently to support students to be successful in Performing Arts.
As we conclude our term, I would like to thank the amazing St Mary’s community for their hard work and dedication to our school. Each day is an absolute blessing as I get to work with passionate educators, wonderful children and families who are keen to partner with us to achieve the best outcomes for the little people in our care.
I wish all of our families a safe and joy-filled Easter.
Every blessing,
Athletics Carnival
What a fabulous day we had at our annual Athletics Carnival at Alexandra Oval last Thursday 31st March.
Congratulations to Carmel (yellow) taking out 1st place, followed by Fatima (red) in 2nd place and Lourdes (blue) in 3rd place.
Below are some photos taken on the day.

Easter Raffle Winners
Congratulations to the following people who won prizes in our Easter raffle:
1st - Corey Delmenico
2nd - Ellen Fordham
3rd - Kylie Phillips
All other prize winners are as follows:
Harvey Lewis, Nicki McAloon, Aju Thomas, Jo Jackson, Kaleb Harris, Eva Brady, Jo Rigby, Nathan Mallen, G Fordham, Jacob Batobalani, Hunter Newberry, Grace Brady, Jake Strafehl, Nate McLean, Josh Haffenden, Lachlan Blandford, Alexander Jende, Hunter Wigg, Marce McAloon, Jasper Harris, Evie Harrington, Joel May, Maddy Griffiths, Elise Brady, Ehrin Daguplo, Isobel Lewis, Jason Hosemans, Lachlan Marsh, Tim Plush, Ella Blandford, Shelley Holcombe, Freyja Day, Tayla Sladdin, Jarrod Blandford, Tony Brady, Sandy Allan, Ari Strafehl, Tyler Batobalani, Rex McCarthy, Dustin Price, Nat Louder, Georgia Rodger, Mark Dalgleish, Tanya Phillips, Hadley Carey, Angus Pitts, Kelsey Hosking, Amelia Preston, Michelle Start, Annabelle Price.
Please note: Kinder Surprise Easter products were nationally recalled on 7/4/22 due to possible exposure to salmonella. We have removed all Kinder Surprise products from the raffle to the best of our ability. If we have accidentally missed a product, please dispose and do not consume.
To the following students celebrating their upcoming birthdays:
Althea C, Maddison J, Ella B & Patrick H

Parish Bulletin
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday 26th April
First Day of Term 2
Friday 29th April
Easter Mass @ 9.15am - Church
Lunch Orders return in Term 2
Friday 6th May
WSP @ 9am - Foundation
Lunch Order Day
Friday 13th May
WSP @ 9am - Senior 1
Lunch Order Day
Friday 20th May
WSP @ 9am - Senior 2
Lunch Order Day
Friday 27th May
WSP @ 9am- Middle 1
Lunch Order Day
Friday 3rd June
WSP @ 9am- Middle 2
Lunch Order Day
Friday 10th June
WSP @ 9am- Junior 1
Lunch Order Day
Friday 17th June
WSP @ 9am- Middle 2
Last Lunch Order Day for Term 2
Friday 24th June
Last Day of Term 3
WSP @ 9am- Foundation
Early finish @ 2.15pm