Term 1 Week 9 - Friday 25th March 2022
From Our Principal
Dear families,
Our Whole School Prayer for today centered around the theme of Christian leadership. Father Andrew commissioned our Year 6 student leaders and explained that Jesus helps us understand how we should lead; through service and humility. I congratulate our year 6 leadership team and our 1/2 students who led us in prayer today.
Families are welcome to join us for Whole School Prayer at 9am on Fridays. Please see the table below for the classes who are scheduled to lead us and keep a look-out on upcoming events on the school newsletter. Anyone who is joining us onsite is required to show proof of vaccination in the front office prior to attending any onsite school event.
Louise Wilson will be taking leave for the remainder of 2022 effective from the 31st March. I acknowledge that this has been an extremely difficult decision for Louise to make as she is a dedicated teacher with a steadfast focus on learning for all, fairness for all and compassion for all. I wish her all the very best and hope she is able to return to the work that she loves sooner rather than later. I am committed to finding a suitable replacement for Louise and will begin a recruitment process this week.
There has been a change to the temporary extension from isolation if you have contracted COVID-19. If you have recovered from COVID-19, you aren’t required to get tested or isolate if you are re-exposed to a case within 8 weeks of ending your isolation period. After 8 weeks, you must follow relevant advice.
Every blessing for the Lenten season
The commissioning of our student leaders at today's whole school prayer
School Athletics Carnival Information
Please see important information regarding our school sports day below. We are still seeking more volunteers if you are able to help in any way!
Community Team Update
We are asking families to please donate an Easter item to make up hamper prizes for our annual Easter raffle. Each family has been given a book of 20 tickets to sell. These items and tickets will need to be returned by the end of next week.
The raffle will then be drawn the following week and winners notified by phone and in the newsletter.
Thanks to all for your contribution!
We are seeking any help with the BBQ & Uniform Stall on the day. If you are available and hold a current WWC, please email community@smararat.catholic.edu.au
The Community Team will recommence their meetings in Term 2, in weeks 2 and 6, ongoing for the remainder of the school year. If you would like to join the team, please feel free to come along or email community@smararat.catholic.edu.au
Performing Arts - Showcase of Learning
On Wednesday 6th April at 2:20pm the students will be sharing classroom learning with each other. Families are welcome to come along to celebrate the learning that has been achieved in the classroom.
Our F/1/2 students will be singing a Yorta Yorta First Nations song called 'Inanay' and a song on the marimbas.
Our 3/4 students will be singing ‘Funga Alafia’ with tuned and untuned percussion instruments.
Our 5/6 students will be performing original compositions using African drumming techniques with tuned and untuned percussion instruments.
Adults who are attending will need to enter through the front office and show proof of vaccination upon arrival.
Upcoming Dates
Monday 28th March
School Photo Day
Thursday 31st March
Athletics Carnival @ Alexandra Oval
BBQ Lunch available for purchase
Uniform Stall
Easter Raffle tickets/donations due
Friday 1st April
School Closure Day (Staff PD - Enhancing our Educational Climate)
Monday 4th April - Friday 8th April
Junior LC Swimming @ Ararat Fitness Centre
12pm - Junior 2 (Mrs Madex)
12.30pm - Junior 1 (Mrs Stockwell/Mrs Portelli)
1.00pm - Foundation (Mrs Griffiths)
Wednesday 6th April
Performing Arts Showcase @ 2.20pm - MPR
Friday 8th April
Last day of Term 1
Early finish at 2.15pm
Tuesday 26th April
First Day of Term 2
Friday 29th April
Whole School Mass @ 9.00am - MPR
Lunch Orders return in Term 2