Term 1 Week 7 - Friday 11th March 2022
Introducing our 2022 Student Leaders
Parent Helpers Wanted!
If you would like to help at our Athletics Carnival, and hold a current WWC, please click on the link below:
Art Room Supplies Wanted
We are seeking from families for the Art Room:
Any 2L and 4L plastic ice-cream containers with lids you may have - throughout this school year
Any easter egg foil (whole and flattened out) after the school holidays
Thank you in advance!
Upcoming Dates
Monday 14th March
Labour Day Public Holiday - no school
Wednesday 16th March
Foundation students at school each Wednesday from this date
Friday 18th March
Lunch Order Day
Friday 25th March
Final Lunch Order Day for Term 1
Monday 28th March
School Photo Day
Thursday 31st March
Athletics Carnival @ Alexandra Oval
Friday 1st April
School Closure Day (Staff PD - Enhancing our Educational Climate)
Monday 4th April - Friday 8th April
Junior LC Swimming
More details to follow
Friday 8th April
Last day of Term 1
Early finish at 2.15pm
Tuesday 26th April
First Day of Term 2