Term 1 Week 3 - Friday 11th February 2022
From Our Principal
Dear families,
We are seeing a very positive ‘hum’ throughout the school as students are now in a positive routine and learning tasks are underway. Our Specialist classes are proving positive in all year levels and students are indicating experiences of engagement, creativity and expression of ideas. I hope that your child has shared some of their specialist adventures with you at home.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon/evening we will be hosting Parent/Teacher Meet and Greets. Parents will be able to engage in these chats onsite, via a video link or over the phone. Please indicate your preference and book in a time via PAM or by contacting the front office. Some conversation prompts/questions have been sent home for consideration prior to the discussions. The focus is on pastoral wellbeing and sharing information about your child, rather than academic progress at this early stage of the year. If you are unable to make these times please contact your child’s classroom teacher and schedule a mutually convenient time.
Every blessing for a sunny weekend.
Upcoming Dates
Friday 11th February
Lunch Order Day
Book Club Orders Due
Wednesday 16th February
Foundation students at school
Friday 18th February
School Closure Day (SWPBS Staff PD Day #2)
**Foundation students will have this day as their rest day**
Wednesday 23rd February
Foundation Rest Day
Friday 25th February
Lunch Order Day
Pink Family Forms Due
Family Fee Assistance/CSEF Forms Due
Wednesday 2nd March
Foundation Rest Day
Friday 4th March
Lunch Order Day
Wednesday 9th March
Foundation Rest Day
Friday 11th March
Lunch Order Day
Monday 14th March
Labour Day Public Holiday - no school
Wednesday 16th March
Foundation students at school each Wednesday from this date onwards
Friday 18th March
Lunch Order Day
Friday 25th March
Lunch Order Day
Monday 28th March
School Photo Day
Friday 1st April
School Closure Day (Staff PD - Enhancing our Educational Climate)
Friday 8th April
Last day of Term 1
Early finish at 2.15pm
Pink Family Forms Now Due!
If you haven't already completed the pink family form that was sent home in the first week, please remember to do so by FRIDAY 25th FEBRUARY. The form contains consent for your child/ren to be able to participate in certain walking activities, media consent etc.
Thank you!
CSEF/Family Fee Assistance Forms
These forms are now available at the front office for completion. Please bring your up to date HCC/PCC with you so that we can obtain a copy.
Forms will need to be completed by FRIDAY 25th FEBRUARY. Thank you.
Happy Birthday!
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week:
Sienna H & Elliott B

eSmart - Free Online Sessions for Parents/Caregivers
Our parents/caregivers are invited to participate in the following upcoming free cyber safety sessions:
1. Parenting in the Digital World 16th February 8-8.30pm
Your school community is invited to join a special online presentation of 'Parenting in the Digital World' hosted by an eSmart educational expert. Empower your school community with skills and strategies to navigate negativity and promote positivity both online and offline.
2. Gaming- turning it into a positive experience 16th March 7-7.30pm
Our children get a lot out of video games. And when you understand how your child games, how gaming can be good for them and how your child can avoid gaming downsides, it can be good for your relationship too. Come along and hear about just how prevalent gaming is, and how to support your child to make gaming a beneficial hobby and to turn the tussle over gaming time on its head.
2022 Lunch Order Price List
Lunch orders have returned in 2022. Please see our price list below.
Parish Bulletin
Ararat Basketball Association Netball Competition

Ararat Eagles Junior Netball Training