Term 1 Week 2 - Friday 4th February 2022
From Our Principal
Dear families,
I wish you a warm welcome to the 2022 school year. Every new year brings its own energy and excitement. I am hopeful that this year will be full of opportunities and blessings for us as we learn and grow together.
It was wonderful to welcome 140 new and returning students on Monday and to witness their enthusiasm for the new year. The Foundation class is buzzing with the addition of 19 new students to our community. We also welcomed 5 new students in other year levels.
We also have some new staff members joining our community in 2022.
Marnie Portelli Grade 1/2
Lisa Madex Grade 1/2
Simon Edge Grade 5/6
Elissa Gault Performing Arts
Gabby Cunningham Science
We also welcome back Louise Wilson who is teaching in the 3/4 Learning Community and holds the crucial role of Religious Education Leader in our School.
While we are still required to operate with some limitations at school due to the pandemic, we are optimistic about the possibilities that 2022 holds in relation to our partnership and connection with each other. Please feel free to touch base with your child’s classroom teacher, send them an email or call the school for a chat. We are keen to partner with you and support your child/ren in their learning journey.
A Prayer for a New School Year
Loving God,
Allow me to experience Your presence
in the many blessings before me.
Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities
that this new school year brings.
Open my heart and mind to new friends and new teachers.
Give me a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with my learning
and courage to accept new opportunities.
Loving God, inspire me to do my best this year!
Every blessing for the year ahead.
Roxanne Leed

Foundation First Day 2022
Our Foundation students started their school journey on Monday 31st January.
Welcome to St Mary's!

Senior Learning Community
How grateful we are to be able to be back together for the new school year! We welcome Mr Edge as our SLC2 teacher and Shiloh in Grade 5 in SLC1 who are both new to our school community.
This week in the Senior Learning Community we have enjoyed reuniting with our friends, getting to know our new classmates with cooperative games, learning new routines to set us up for an exciting year ahead and our eagerly awaited Year 6 jumpers arrived! Even though the weather was warm, it wasn’t too warm to enjoy their fleecy goodness for the very first time!

Our Year 6 students proudly showing off their new jumpers
RAT Kits
Our RAT kits have finally arrived at school today and are ready for collection from the front office. Please call the school if you require your child's kit to be sent home.
If you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, you are not required to do any rapid testing for 30 days per government guidelines.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 9th February
Foundation Rest Day
Friday 11th February
Lunch Order Day
Book Club Orders Due
Wednesday 16th February
Foundation students at school
Friday 18th February
School Closure Day (SWPBS Staff PD Day #2)
**Foundation students will have this day as their rest day**
Wednesday 23rd February
Foundation Rest Day
Friday 25th February
Lunch Order Day
Pink Family Forms Due
Wednesday 2nd March
Foundation Rest Day
Friday 4th March
Lunch Order Day
Wednesday 9th March
Foundation Rest Day
Friday 11th March
Lunch Order Day
Monday 14th March
Labour Day Public Holiday - no school
Friday 18th March
Lunch Order Day
Friday 25th March
Lunch Order Day
Monday 28th March
School Photo Day
Friday 1st April
School Closure Day (Staff PD - Enhancing our Educational Climate)
Friday 8th April
Last day of Term 1
Early finish at 2.15pm
2022 Lunch Order Price List
Lunch orders have returned in 2022. Please see our price list below.
CSEF/Family Fee Assistance Forms
These forms are now available at the front office for completion. Please bring your up to date HCC/PCC with you so that we can obtain a copy.
Forms will need to be completed by FRIDAY 25th FEBRUARY. Thank you.
Happy Birthday!
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week:
Tanner W & Izabelle B
And those who celebrated their birthdays during the school holidays:
Amelia P, Rafferty B, Angus H, Otis M, Inez P, Phoebe H, Libby H, Jasmine J, Knox B & Isabelle P

eSmart - Free Online Sessions for Parents/Caregivers
Our parents/caregivers are invited to participate in the following upcoming free cyber safety sessions:
1. Parenting in the Digital World 16th February 8-8.30pm
Your school community is invited to join a special online presentation of 'Parenting in the Digital World' hosted by an eSmart educational expert. Empower your school community with skills and strategies to navigate negativity and promote positivity both online and offline.
2. Gaming- turning it into a positive experience 16th March 7-7.30pm
Our children get a lot out of video games. And when you understand how your child games, how gaming can be good for them and how your child can avoid gaming downsides, it can be good for your relationship too. Come along and hear about just how prevalent gaming is, and how to support your child to make gaming a beneficial hobby and to turn the tussle over gaming time on its head.