Term 4 Week 9 - Friday 3rd December 2021
From our Principal
Dear families,
In this Season of Advent, Christians prepare for the coming of someone really special, Jesus! Advent is a time of waiting and reflecting - a time of spiritual awakening and renewal before that special morning in late December.
Jan Richardson writes;
"In the company of those whose stories we hear in these weeks, Advent invites us to consider the lay of our own land. It poses questions about the geography of our own lives: What are the dreams, fears, and hopes that make up our inner terrain? What inspires us to keep going, to move deeper into the landscape, to venture into unfamiliar territory? How do we stay open to the surprises the journey holds, the treasures that are hidden so often in the dark? Where are our boundaries, and are they serving us well? Are there any borders we need to cross in this season? In the midst of how mapless our lives can seem, is there one line this season might invite you to follow, one place where you might begin anew?"
It is exciting for our staff and students to engage in some long overdue camps, excursions and incursions.
After a COVID lockdown interrupted our 5/6 Camp to Sovereign Hill, our students were able to return for a day travelling back in time to the Goldfields. The tour in the underground mine was a significant highlight for many even though it was dark, cold and a little claustrophobic.
Our 3/4 team have been busily preparing for their Camp experience. The adaptability and perseverance of the teachers and students to get this important experience off the ground has been remarkable! Students will engage in a range of activities and Cave Hill Creek including bush cooking, canoeing and archery. They will have a sleepover at school and have some team games at Alexandra Gardens the following day.
Our Junior Learning Community have had an exciting incursion from one of our families - Jamie and Kim’s Mobile Zoo. Jamie’s educational animal demonstration was absolutely incredible. It was engaging, educational, exciting and even a little frightening for some of us! Students also had some fun on the jumping castle and getting creative in the plaster fun house.
What a week of rich learning.
MLC Term 4 RE Unit "Unity"
For our RE Unit this Term, we have been working on the theme of ‘Unity’.
Students have worked in groups to design a way to show unity and justice in our School. Students have explored how they can contribute to the good and wellbeing of all and how the Church community can become people of unity and justice through the action inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Below are some written pieces from our students:
What have I learnt during the time we have been creating our unity project?
I have learnt how to change thinking quickly on the spot and compromise in small groups. We have been so compassionate during the project, we have worked our hardest on these projects and wanted to share them with all the families that support St. Marys. There has been lots of trial and error but in the end everything looks so creative and amazing.
By Harriet
What i've learnt from unity
I’ve learnt how to show kindness
I’ve also learnt how to show resilience.
The is how to solve problems like when The plastic on the milk bottles made the water splash out so we cut it Perfectly.
By lilly
I have learnt that a lot of people who I wasn't sure about working with, are actually quite Funny and kind, one thing I have also learnt is to be persistent and calm
I have also learnt to work hard and determine myself.
By Eden
I’ve learnt how to show unity at St Mary’s and what it is. I’ve learnt that unity is teamwork, you need to be resilient, respectful, kind and you need to compromise sometimes, not all the time.
Unity is a special thing to make it feel like unity.
I’ve learned trial and error. In the time we have been creating our unity space. I’ve also learnt that you have to communicate with you group. Also I have learned to be the bigger person.
By Xander
I have been working on a project with my team. My team was working on cable tie string fingers. They have been hung up on part of the unity space back fence. It was the best. I learnt working together is more fun then doing it yourself.
By Samuel
The things I learnt during the time of the unity space making is that I have to be selfless. I have been working with my team which shows unity as well as doing the right thing. We all had different ideas but we compromised by making one that works best.
By Ella
During the long period of time we have had to create our wonderful unity space.We have learnt,to work with a team and be resilient even if we don't get what we want.In order to be a good team member you need to be resilient,communicate,compromise,listen and be kind.Unity means to be...★KIND★
By sienna
What I learnt during the time we have been Creating our unity space is teamwork, and how to cooperate with others. I liked decorating the unity space and making it a carm and a happy space. We all brought supplies from home to make this unity space.
By Jethro.B
The things I learnt was that to always try your hardest!,I learnt to figure out how to solve a problem, and to try using all the materials you have! I also learnt how to be a good teammate by bringing different materials together and being kind to one another!
By Ehrin
What I learned, during the time I have been creating a unity space. Our MLC 1 & 2, the 2 classes have been making a big project and it is called unity. I have learnt to respect more stuff. I need to help more and be more kind.
By Harry
What I learnt during the time we have been creating our unity space.
Unity means community teamwork and helping
others as a team.
We all brought stuff for our team.
By Ari
What I learnt during the time we have been creating our unity space…
I learnt true unity and it's wonderful, I wish everybody could feel this and I'm being more creative.
The reason why we made the unity space is to make more unity upon our school.
What unity is basically teamwork but said differently.
By Margrethe
To always respect others equally and treat them how you want to be treated.unity can be when other people use unity and work together and respect each other in kindness in a community and if something goes wrong they be resilience and bounce back to the start and keep going
By Jack

MCL Bowls Club - Week 2
This was our second week visiting Ararat Lawn Bowls Club. We were very lucky with the weather and enjoyed the sun. Stephen was able to share strategies and skills to help us become some incredible bowlers. Our class was very competitive, supportive of one another and genuinely well-behaved for the whole time out of school. We were very proud of these children representing our school. Well done!

St Mary's Book Drive
Our St Mary's School Book Drive will be held after school in the Multi Purpose Room on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week (from 3.15pm - 4pm). Prices range from 50c - $5

Grade 6 Graduation
Our Grade 6 graduation ceremony will be held on Tuesday 14th December at 6.00pm in the Davey Hub.

Tuesday 7th December
2022 Whole School Transition Day
Grade 6 2022 Jumper Orders Due
Wednesday 8th December
Book Drive from 3.15pm - 4.00pm - MPR
Thursday 9th December
JLC Walk to Cinema & Gardens Lunch
Book Drive from 3.15pm - 4.00pm - MPR
Thursday 9th December & Friday 10th December
MLC Cave Hill Creek Day Camp & School Sleepover
Friday 10th December
Mission Day BBQ Lunch (SLC fundraiser)
Book Drive from 3.15pm - 4.00pm - MPR
Tuesday 14th December
Grade 6 Graduation @ 6.00pm - The Davey Hub
Thursday 16th December
Grade 6 Big Day Out - Halls Gap
Students Last Day
Friday 17th December
Staff Last Day
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week!
Charlotte C

St Mary's School Fees 2022
Please see below St Mary's school fees and direct debit requests for 2022. Hard copies of these forms will be sent home with students on their first day of school next year.
Unfortunately we were unable to schedule any swimming lessons in for our students this year, therefore a credit of $60 per student has been applied to all fee accounts. Some of these accounts will now be in credit. This credit will rollover and come off next year's school fees.
Any students finishing at the end of 2021 with a credit balance will be reimbursed. All fee payers that this affects will be contacted by Jane to obtain bank account details for a direct fund transfer.
Parish Bulletin
The Vine 2021
Our Diocesan Community
Please click on the link to read the latest copy of "Our Diocesan Community"
St Andrew's U/13 Cricket Club
St Andrew's Cricket Club are seeking children interested in playing cricket for their U/13 side. If you are interested, please contact Mark on 0417 391 002.