Term 3 Week 6 - FRIDAY 27th AUGUST 2021
Fathers' Day Prayer & Photo Video
Dear Families,
With Fathers' Day just around the corner, our St Mary’s School Community would like to acknowledge the fathers/ father figures in the lives of our students.
To do this we will be creating a prayer video that will be shared with our community via Facebook. We would like to include photos of our students and their father or special person.
If you would like to be a part of our prayer please send through one photo of your child/ children and their special person to Louise Wilson at lwilson@smararat.catholic.edu.
Remember that this video will be shared on social media, so please consider this before sending through your photo.
All photos need to be sent in to Louise before Friday 3rd September. The prayer video will be shared on Facebook on Fathers' Day, Sunday 5th September.
Thank you for all of your hard work throughout this difficult time.
Warm regards,
St Mary’s Staff.

Upcoming Dates
Please note the Book Week activities and Book Drive have been postponed until a later date
Students return onsite unless otherwise advised.
Fathers' Day
Please follow our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/stmarysararat to view our Prayer Video
SSG Meetings
SSG Meetings
Happy Birthday!
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week:
Tia S, Isabel D, Esther T & Drake G

In Our Community
BreastScreen Victoria van visits Ararat with free breast screens
From 11-29 October 2021, BreastScreen Victoria’s hot pink van will visit Ararat for the first time to provide free breast screens to the community.
Women aged between 50 and 74 should have a free breast screen every two years. They are the best way to find breast cancer early, before there are symptoms and when treatment is most successful.
All breast screens are with a female radiographer, in a friendly and safe environment. You don’t need a doctor’s referral or Medicare card, and screens only take 10 minutes.
BreastScreen Victoria has safety measures in place to protect clients and staff against the risk of COVID-19. This includes mandatory face masks and spaced out appointments to allow for physical distancing, and more cleaning in between appointments. More information about screening during COVID-19 can be found on the BreastScreen Victoria website.
The van will be at Ararat Library carpark, enter via RSL carpark on High St.
Appointments for the Ararat van can be made online at breastscreen.org.au or by calling 13 20 50.
Bookings: https://bookings.breastscreen.org.au or call 13 20 50
Facebook: Ararat van event page; BreastScreen Victoria
Website: www.breastscreen.org.au