Term 3 Week 6 - FRIDAY 20th AUGUST 2021
From the Principal
Dear families,
It has been beautiful to get a glimpse of the sunshine permeating our skies this week. I love this time of year when the weather warms and the colour begins to build in the landscape. Even though it makes me itchy, I love the bright yellow colour of the sweeping canola fields and the wattle trees as they begin to bloom. The presence of God in nature is alive and breathing in what I see as I drive to work each day.
‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’ is the official theme for Book Week celebrations next week. Don’t forget that dress up day is on Thursday 26th next week! The joy of reading books is something that you understand only by real experience. English writer William Hazlitt said, “books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own”. Reading helps us in every aspect of our lives and enables us to grow as individuals and as learners. Instilling a love of reading is one of the greatest gifts that you can give your child. Here are some ideas, that might help promote positive reading behaviours at home;
- Read to your child regularly. Make reading fun by using expression and different voices for characters
- Model good reading behaviours; let your child see you read
- Buy a book that comes with a CD so your child can follow along
- Take your child to the local library and participate in some of the programmes that are offered
- Explore and discuss the pictures in the book
- Read books that have been made into movies and have critical comparative discussions
Every blessing,
From the LOTE Room - Ms Taylor
Our Chinese prep class is excelling through their online modules. Last week they learnt about tangrams and how it derived from Chinese culture. It seemed very complex but every student gave it a go.
Excitedly, all students across the school should know their numbers from 1-10. The prep class and juniors can introduce themselves, how old they are and what they have or don’t have. The middles have been learning activities and actions. The seniors are developing their colour and clothing language.
The awards this week are presented to Narayan, for his eagerness to learn and confidence beginning mid-term. And to Ellie for always giving it a go and correctly pronouncing words. Great effort to both.
See photos below.
In Ms Georgie’s class, they have been participating in writing and PE with Ms Taylor. While the Olympics have been on, the students have been attempting different skills and events at school. Tuesday, they had a go at some gymnastics moves. They did a really good job and enjoyed it thoroughly.
This week's task, with Ms Taylor in writing, was to persuade families to watch the paralympics. We have been looking at sentence structures, topic sentences, persuasive language and high-modality words. The students are feeling more confident with writing interesting work.
- The paralympics are inspiring and it includes people that are partly paralysed or have a physical difference. It influences people to be confident and helps you be motivated. It comforts us to know that we can do anything if you just believe in yourself. And that's why you should watch the paralympics starting the 24th August in Tokyo. -Sienna H
- The paralympics show people with disabilities and that there are endless possibilities. Even when there’s a rough turn, you can still get back up again. You might also be encouraged to try and be an athlete too! Make sure to watch the paralympics now! 24th August, 2021, TOKYO. - Ehrin D
- Prepare to be amazed by the paralympics! This is a spectacular event that happens every four years. It is SUPER inspiring! It is an extraordinary event that allows artistic and super sporty people who have a disability to chase their dreams. This special sporting event will take you on an influential journey which will keep you motivated. So yes, watch this sporting event next week! -Eden H
Upcoming Dates
Book Week Costume Day, Activities and Parade
Book Club Issue 6 Orders Due
Book Stall for Book Week - MPR (TBC)
Junior Learning Community Excursion - Bendigo Science Centre (please see PAM for more details)
Father's Day Breakfast - TBC
Book Week Costume Day & Parade - Thursday 26th August
Junior Learning Community Excursion - Friday 27th August
Happy Birthday!
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week:
Xavier E, Rose D & Raghav P