From the Principal
Dear families,
This year, the theme for Refugee Week is "Unity – The way forward." The Refugee Council of Australia explains:
"The volatility of life in recent times has shown us unequivocally that we need to work together often merely to survive, let alone to thrive and progress. Let’s take the opportunity to start afresh and rebuild our lives together. To count our blessings and to put them to work. Existing and emerging communities. Working together.
The powerful potential of Unity. The special brew of ideas from all over the world that created our great way of life can continue evolving if we work together. Let’s not stop now, let’s move forward unified.”
In 2021, we are all invited to help build a more cohesive community during Refugee Week. Whether hosting a local meal, a community event or attending an online event to hear from people all over the world, join with people throughout our great land to call on a spirit of unity as we recover from the isolation we have experienced during the pandemic.
Stronger. Safer. Healthier. Happier. Together.
The first stage of the roof repair will take place over the term break. Let's hope that when we return to school we will be leak free. The consultation and organisation of these works has taken me a significant amount of time this semester. I would like to thank everyone for their patience.
Once the roofing works are complete and the water tests are conducted successfully I will organise the painter to come in. This should also take place over the break depending on how things go. He will patch up the damage and repaint the relevant areas.
Please note that this roof fix is temporary. It will allow me time to continue working on arrangements for a master plan. I am hoping to work with the architect to build a single roofline that will hopefully stop these leaking issues happening in the future.
I would like to thank our amazing community for a successful semester of learning. I hope that families get to spend some quality time together over the next two weeks. I look forward to reconnecting in term 3.
Every blessing

Upcoming School Closure Day
Week 2 of Term 3 - MONDAY 19 JULY
Please pop this in your dairy!
From the LOTE Room
Nǐ hǎo!
Nǐ hǎo ma? Wǒ hěn hǎo xiè xiè.
Over the last few weeks we have been through lockdown and completing our oral assessments online. The students each had to speak with their Chinese lǎo shī (teacher) and share their learning from the previous term and half. I was extremely pleased with everybody’s efforts and courage to complete this task. Well done. Assessments have now been glued into their Chinese book.
At the beginning of last fortnight we started a new module. The juniors are learning their numbers 1-10. The language the middles and seniors have learnt so far across the school is:
- Nǐ- you
- Tā- he/she
- Wǒ- me/I/my
- Shì- am/is/are/yes
- Tīng- listen
- Shuō- to say/speak
- Kàn- look
- Qǐng zhàn qǐlái- please stand up
- Qǐng zuò- please sit down
- Shū- book
- Nánshēng- school boy
- Nǚshēng- school girl
My awards for the past couple of weeks are presented to Tom Sladdin and Ava Christie. Tom is continuously engaging in conversations in and out of the classroom in Chinese and always eager to develop his language skills. Ava has quickly learnt the Chinese numbers 1-10 and is the first to attempt saying them in class. Great work both of you.
Tai lǎo shī.
Seeking bread bags & tags!
St Mary's has just signed up to be part of the Wonder Recycling Rewards Program for schools, which contributes to recycling and making play equipment for schools throughout Australia.
We are seeking any bread bags and tags that families may have, which can be put into the large collection bin situated in the office foyer. The more we collect, the more reward points we gain to redeem new sports equipment for the school!
Collection ends at the start of Term 3

Upcoming Dates
First Day of Term 3
Senior LC Camp @ Sovereign Hill
Parent Teacher Interviews from 3.30pm
Parent Teacher Interviews from 3.30pm
Book Week Book Drive - Friday 27 August

Happy Birthday!
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week:
Ellashaye B, Sienna L, Veronica O & Evie M

St Mary's School Office Hours
MONDAY 8.30AM - 4.00PM
TUESDAY 8.30AM - 4.00PM
THURSDAY 8.30AM - 4.00PM
FRIDAY 9.00AM - 4.00PM
Finance Officer / Parish Administrative Assistant
The Catholic Parishes of Ararat and Stawell are looking to appoint one or two new members to our parish team. One person may apply for both roles.
(1) Finance and Compliance Officer (15 hours)
(2) Administrative Assistant (6 hours)
The Finance and Compliance Officer will require a good working knowledge of Reckon or similar accounting software and be responsible for BAS, ATO and other regulatory compliance.
The Administrative Assistant will attend to receptionist and secretarial tasks and communication with parishioners such as weekly newsletters.
The position(s) will be based in Ararat and will require some visits to Stawell.
Please apply to by Friday July 16, 2021