From the Principal
Dear families,
Congratulations to our year 2 students who enjoyed a very successful sleepover at school last night. The stayback included pizzas, games, laughter, movies and popcorn. Some of our little people were excited, others a bit nervous and, for some, it was a bit of both.
Our amazing 1/2 teachers, Alana and Louise, carefully scaffolded their students, taught them strategies to self-regulate and celebrated their successes and stories of resilience. Thanks to Louise, Alana, Eliza, Di, Toni and all those involved in the preparations for the year 2 sleepover.
Today you should have access to your child’s report via PAM. This year’s report will include statements from the Victorian Curriculum that assess your child’s achievements in different learning areas. These statements are informed by data, assessments and work samples that have been completed throughout the year. Your child’s general comment has been written based on data, assessments and anecdotal evidence using the Capabilities sections of the Curriculum.
Families are invited to book in for a Parent Teacher Interview via PAM. This time is dedicated to discussing your child’s report and future learning goals. Teachers will also share student’s work samples as evidence of learning growth throughout the semester.
Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on Tuesday 20th July from 3:30-6:30pm & Wednesday 21st July 3:30-6:30pm. Students in Jo Price’s 5/6 class will have an opportunity to meet with Jo on Monday 21st June 3:30-6:30pm & Tuesday 22nd June 3:30-6:30pm
If you would like to meet for an interview but are unavailable during these times please make a mutually convenient time with your child’s teacher.
Every blessing,
Upcoming School Closure Day
Week 2 of Term 3 - MONDAY 19 JULY
Please pop this in your dairy!
Grade 2 Sleepover
The annual Grade 2 Sleepover was held at school last night. They all had a great time participating in lots of fun activities. Here are a few recounts from our students:
JAMES - Last night at the Grade 2 sleepover we played dodge ball, soccer, board games and we had a dance battle. I was one of the best on ground. For tea we had pizza and then we watched a movie and then we went to bed. The End.
JACK - Last night at the sleepover we played soccer. We went inside and had afternoon tea. Then we played dodgeball in the hub, girls vs boys. Then we played a game of ultimate tail tag! When we finished we played a few board games, then started a fun disco! While we had it we ate tea. It was pizza - my favourite. Then we got up and had a dance battle. Grace, James and Drake won. Then we played bobs and statues. We did Just Dances and watched Hotel Transylvania 3! After that we watched the Highway Rat and went to sleep. The next morning for breakfast I had nutrigrain and made sandwiches for our lunch in the staff room.
RIVER - On Thursday at the grade 2 sleepover, when everyone left we went to the big kids. Then I went to look at the fairy house and then we went inside. Then we played board games and we cleared up the room. We set up our beds and we played dodge ball, then we had a disco. The pizza came and we ate it. Then we played bobs and statues. My favourite thing to do is sleep!
ISLA - Last night when the bell went for home time I went to the big kids to play. When all the grade 2s were in the MPR we had afternoon tea. When we had finished our afternoon tea we played dodge ball. Then after dodge ball half of the grade 2's went to the MPR to play some board games and the other grade 2's played ultimate tail tag. It was so fun at the sleepover.

Middle Learning Community 2
MLC 2 has been digging into our emotions and what makes us feel certain ways. After coming back from yet another remote learning experience, we are all again feeling grateful for our experiences and what we can do freely! Here is what we are feeling extra happy about this week!
Indi- I get to play with my friends and get to spend time with them
Bella- I finished a puzzle at home and got to see my friends
Denni- when I go home I get to cook with my family
Matilda- I am really happy that I got my first pet dog- Pepper!
Charlotte C- I am really happy that I have not given up yet!
Charlotte S- I completed a picture storybook
Georgia- I am really happy I got to see my friends!
Willow- I am happy to do the inside out project
Jasmine- something I am really happy this week is making a pirate book and sharing it with the preps
Pieter- I am happy I got my hair cut
Sam- I finally got my hair cut!
Henry- I am happy about my sports are my favorite thing and somehow they found a way for me to play a sport with my friends during all these restrictions!
Hayden- I am happy about a baseball game coming up!
Lachie- I got some new footy cards!
Tyler- I happy I got to see my friends in the park!
Darcy- I am happy about making a picture storybook
What are you happy about?
NCCD Data Collection
Seeking bread bags & tags!
St Mary's has just signed up to be part of the Wonder Recycling Rewards Program for schools, which contributes to recycling and making play equipment for schools throughout Australia.
We are seeking any bread bags and tags that families may have, which can be put into the large collection bin situated in the office foyer. The more we collect, the more reward points we gain to redeem new sports equipment for the school!
Collection ends at the start of Term 3

Upcoming Dates
SSG Interviews (formerly PSG)
Parent Teacher Interviews - Senior 1 only
Parent Teacher Interviews - Senior 1 only
Last Day of Term 2 (NO LUNCH ORDERS)
SSG Interviews (formerly PSG)
Early finish at 2.15pm
First Day of Term 3
Senior LC Camp @ Sovereign Hill
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews
Happy Birthday!
Wishing the following students a very happy birthday this week:
Liv D & Riley C

St Mary's School Office Hours
MONDAY 8.30AM - 4.00PM
TUESDAY 8.30AM - 4.00PM
THURSDAY 8.30AM - 4.00PM
FRIDAY 9.00AM - 4.00PM