Newsletter Term 4 Week 2 - Friday 18th October 2024

From our Principal
Dear families,
This week we celebrated the feast day of St Teresa of Avila. Teresa was a Spanish Carmelite nun who became one of the great mystics, writers and reformers in the history of the Church. In 1970 Pope Paul VI proclaimed Teresa the first female Doctor of the Church in recognition of her centuries-long spiritual legacy.
St Teresa of Avila, pray for us and grant us a share of your courageous spirit.
Term 4 can always be a bit of a juggle; one foot in the current year and the other foot planted in next year. Our leadership team begins the important process of planning for the upcoming year, including staffing, timetabling and class allocations. There are always multiple factors to consider, including student needs, class sizes, curriculum requirements and the allocation of qualified educators. At the centre of all our decision-making is what is ultimately best for our students. Our number one goal is to create an environment that promotes learning, collaboration and personal growth for all our students. We place a strong emphasis on creating balanced and diverse groups, believing that this fosters rich learning experiences. If you have any feedback that you think will help support your child in 2025 and in turn inform our decision making please get in touch with me as soon as possible.
The first week of Term 2 next year contains two public holidays - Easter Monday and ANZAC Day. With the support of our governing body, DOBCEL and our School Advisory Council (SAC), Tuesday 22nd April, Wednesday 23rd April and Thursday 24th April will all be student free days. St Mary’s staff will be participating in professional learning days with St Coleman’s, Mortlake and St Thomas’, Terang. The focus for these professional learning days will include Structured Literacy and Strengthening our Universals in School Wide Positive Behaviours. This creates a three week break inclusive of Easter and ANZAC Day for our students. I understand that this extended time off can require careful planning for families. I am hopeful that by providing you with advanced notice, you will have ample time to make any necessary arrangements, whether it be coordinating childcare, planning family activities, or simply enjoying some time together.
Every blessing for the week ahead.
Grade 2 Sleepover
The year 2 sleepover is a significant milestone for our students. Building independence, fostering cooperation, and enjoying the company of each other.
We had some early risers this morning, but the year 2s were mostly still snoozing and listening to the calming rain sounds on the roof.
What a wonderful couple of days!

Black Ranges Basketball
Congratulations to both basketball teams who represented our school at Black Ranges yesterday at the Ararat Fitness Centre. Both teams finished undefeated so progress to the next level, participating in a regional tournament. A great effort!

Sacrament Program Congratulations

Congratulations to Eva, Grace, Millar & Elliot Brady, for all completing their sacraments at the Holy Spirit Gariwerd Parish. They are pictured here with Fr Andrew.
If you would like to know more about the Sacrament program, please call the Parish office on 53525460.
TERM 4 2024
Friday 25th October
WSP hosted by JLC2
Thursday 31st October
MLC Camp - Halls Gap
Black Ranges Cricket
Friday 1st November
MLC Camp - Halls Gap
WSP hosted by SLC1
NO LUNCH ORDERS (due to VCE exams)
Monday 4th November
Student Free Day
Tuesday 5th November
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Thursday 7th November
Foundation 2025 Information Evening
Friday 8th November
Friday 15th November
JLC "The Gruffalo" Excursion
WSP hosted by MLC
NO LUNCH ORDERS (due to VCE exams)
Thursday 21st November
Foundation 2025 Transition Session 1
Friday 22nd November
Thursday 28th November
Foundation 2025 Transition Session 2
Friday 29th November
Tuesday 3rd December
Year 7 2025 students @ Marian College - Transition Day
Wednesday 4th December
Science Discovery Dome Incursion
Thursday 5th December
Foundation 2025 Transition Session 3
Friday 6th December
WSP hosted by JLC1
Carols by Candlelight Performance
Tuesday 10th December
Whole School Transition Day
Wednesday 11th December
SLC Excursion - details to follow
Friday 13th December
End of Year Mass
Monday 16th December
Year 6 Graduation
Tuesday 17th December
Students Last Day
Year 6 Big Day Out
Normal finish at 3.15pm
Wednesday 18th December
Staff Planning Day
Thursday 19th December
Staff Last Day
Term 4 Whole School Prayer Schedule
Whole School Prayer will be held at the Church during Term 4 at 2.45pm each Friday

Friday 25th October - hosted by JLC2
Friday 1st November - hosted by SLC1
Friday 8th November - no WSP
Friday 15th November - hosted by MLC
Friday 22nd November - no WSP
Friiday 29th November - no WSP
Friday 6th December - hosted by JLC1
Friday 13th December - end of year mass

to the following students for this week:
Finley C, Marcus H & Eliza L
Upcoming Student Free Days
Monday 4th November 2024
Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Wednesday 23rd April 2025
Thursday 24th April 2025
Parish Bulletin
Ritchies IGA Community Benefit Program
Don't forget that St Mary's is a recipient of the Ritchies IGA community benefit program. You can sign up in store or online. Each time you do your shop, scan your Ritchies card and a percentage of your shop will directly support St Mary's.