Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 - Friday 23rd August 2024

From our Principal
Dear families,
This week was the feast of the Queenship of Mary. In addition to its biblical roots, Mary’s queenship is found in Church Tradition that Mary, preserved free from sin, on the completion of her earthly sojourn, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted as Queen of the universe. I read this powerful description by Joan Chittister of what this feast calls us to.
“The woman who turned God into the body and blood of Christ is here raised to the level of the feminine counterpart of the Divine … Where do women belong? At the right hand of God, obviously. Where do women belong? In the highest place in heaven, obviously. What are all the forgotten of the world called to be, then? Images of God, obviously. The Coronation of Mary is the unfulfilled mystery of the rosary. As long as any woman anywhere is denied access to God, or status in life, or equality with men, as long as any of the little ones anywhere are deprived of respect and position, then Mary’s place in heaven is mocked. The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven is a call to see equality as the fullness of the Will of God.”
~ Joan Chittister ‘Pursuit of Peace’
Book Week has been great fun for all of us at St Mary’s. Today, we had our Book Week Parade celebrating the theme ‘Reading is Magic’. In a world of technological advancement, it’s good to remember that books help children develop language skills and profoundly expand their vocabularies. Books also help to create strong emotional bonds between adults and children when they read together. You may have heard the phrase, “You’ll never be alone in the company of a book” and many of us have special memories of reading stories with characters we have come to love.
Congratulations to the 5/6 Learning Community on a successful Urban Camp experience. It was a privilege to be a part of the energy, enthusiasm and rigorous learning opportunities it provided. Toni Stockwell, Simon Edge and Helen Kirkpatrick’s leadership was exemplary; ensuring that all students felt safe and supported to engage fully in the experience. Lorna and Gez volunteered their time to attend camp and, as always, supported our students with care and compassion while they were away from home. A big shout out to Dennis Harrington who came along for the three days as an extra set of hands. His enthusiasm, focus of safety and compassion was very much appreciated by students and staff alike.
Parent-Teacher Interviews were attended by 70/121 students. They provide a forum for teachers, students and parents to celebrate student progress and achievement. They are a valuable avenue for involving parents and students in the learning process and reinforcing the teaching, learning, assessment and reporting process. If you couldn’t make it this week we strongly encourage you to make a time to have a chat with your child’s classroom teacher.
Every blessing for the week ahead

Book Week Parade
Thanks to everyone for dressing up today. What a great day we had here! Photos will be in next week's newsletter.
Fathers' Day Breakfast
Please return any outstanding forms no later than Tuesday 27th August. Thank you!

to the following students for this week:
Mietta S, Rose D, Farran C, Eli N, Olive H, Luca J, Harvey L, Isabel D & Ruby F
Bush Dance - Seeking Donations!
Come & Learn Ukelele & Guitar
Wednesday 28th August
SSG Meetings
Thursday 29th August
SSG Meetings
Friday 30th August
Fathers' Day Breakfast in the Hub from 7am
Whole School Prayer @ 9.15am
Issue 6 Book Club orders due
Wednesday 4th September
SSG Meetings
Thursday 5th September
SSG Meetings
Friday 6th September
Whole School Prayer @ 2.30pm at the Church
Led by MLC 1 & 2
Tuesday 10th September
JLC Excursion to Horsham
Wednesday 11th September
SSG Meetings
Thursday 12th September
SSG Meetings
Friday 13th September
Thursday 19th September
Bush Dance
Friday 20th September
Students Last Day for Term 3
Whole School Prayer @ 10am at the Church
Led by JLC2
Early finish at 2.15pm
Whole School Prayer - Term 3 Schedule
Please note we have had a change of occurance, venue & a slightly earlier time for this term.

Week 6 CHANGE OF DATE - now Friday 30th August @ 9.15am after Fathers' Day breakfast
Week 8: Friday September 6th @2.30pm at the Church - led by MLC1 &2
Week 10: Friday September 20th @10.00am at the Church - led by JLC2
2024 Student Free Days
Monday 14th October
Monday 4th November
Wednesday 18th December
This week's Parish Bulletin
Issue 6 Book Club
Orders are due Friday 30th August. Every order earns our school rewards!

In Our Community