Term 2 Week 2 - Friday 26th April 2024
From our Principal
ANZAC Day Service
2024 Athletics Carnival
Athletics Carnival BBQ Fundraising Total
Egg Cartons wanted for Art!
Mothers' Day Breakfast - Helpers Wanted
Whole School Prayer Dates
2024 Student Free Days
This week's Parish Bulletin
Catholic Education Week
Book Club
Our Diocesan Community
In Our Community

From our Principal
Term 2
Week 2
Dear families,
The Athletics Carnival was a huge success. I hope that you have had an opportunity to see some of the fantastic photos on the St Mary’s social media apps! Under the leadership of Ben O’Loughlan and supported by staff and many families, the day ran brilliantly! Thanks to everyone who helped manage events, flip sausages, collect money, set up shelters, pack trailers, clean up and encourage students! What a vibe!
Zebina and Henry laid a wreath on behalf of St Mary’s during the ANZAC Day Service. I thank them for their reverence and leadership on this important day. It's a day to honor the resilience and camaraderie of those who served, recognizing their dedication and courage. It is also a poignant reminder for me about the heavy costs of conflict and the enduring need for peace. As we remember the fallen, we are called to promote understanding, unity, and compassion in our own lives. I continue to extend my prayers for peace in the Middle East and Ukraine and hope that we can strive for a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue and diplomacy, not violence. Lest we forget...then...and now.
On Tuesday 30th April at 6pm we will hold a Parent Information session for families interested in joining St Mary’s in 2025. Next year, we are offering free tuition for new families in all year levels - a saving of over $1300. There is a $230 discount for existing families with siblings starting next year. I look forward to sharing our great school to prospective families. I am also looking forward to our school choir, ‘The Angel’s’, performing at this event.
Every blessing for the week ahead.
ANZAC Day Service
Thank you to Henry & Zebina for representing our school and laying a wreath in respect to all who have served our country. We will remember them.

2024 Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to Lourdes/blue house (led by Tom & Sam) for winning the 2024 Athletics Carnival. The weather was fantastic, the sportsmanship and encouragement was excellent - it really was a great day had by all!
1st Place
Lourdes (blue) 646
2nd Place
Carmel (yellow) 638
3rd Place
Fatima (red) 554

Athletics Carnival BBQ Fundraising Total

Thank you to our parent volunteers for all your help on the BBQ on Friday! We are happy to announce we raised over $600 on the day. This money will go towards the cost of brand new furnishings in our learning areas for our new build.
Egg Cartons wanted for Art!

If you have any empty egg cartons lying around, Mrs Lyons would love some for the Art Room! Please drop them into the office.
Thank you!

Mothers' Day Breakfast - Helpers Wanted
We will be holding another special Mothers' Day breakfast on Friday 10th May from 7am.
But we need our St Mary's dads and special blokes to help!
If you are available for a shift at 6.30am for set up, cooking, serving or 7.30am for serving and cleaning up - please email Jess at jpraag@smararat.catholic.edu.au or contact the office with your availability. Thanks in advance!


to the following students for this week:
Ella, Pat H & Ryder
Tuesday 30th April
2025 New Families Information Session @ 6pm
Thursday 2nd May
Black Ranges Cross Country
Friday 3rd May
JLC Catholic Education Week Excursion - Stawell
MLC/SLC Students - Ararat
Friday 10th May
Mothers Day Breakfast in The Hub @ 7am
Monday 10th June
King's Birthday
Whole School Prayer Dates
WSP is held each Friday at 2.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room. All welcome!
Friday 26th April - SLC
Friday 3rd May - No WSP
Friday 10th May - JLC1 @ 9.10am, following our Mothers' Day Breakfast
Friday 17th May - SLC1
Friday 24th May - MLC
Friday 31st May - TBA
Friday 7th June - TBA
Friday 14th June - JLC2
Friday 21st June - SLC2
2024 Student Free Days
This week's Parish Bulletin
Catholic Education Week
Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May

Book Club
Issue 3 orders are due in by Friday 3rd May. Don't forget a percentage from sales go to our school for free books and learning resources!

Our Diocesan Community

In Our Community
Ararat Eagles Net Set Go