Term 2 Week 1 - Friday 19th April 2024

From our Principal
Dear families,
It was exciting to welcome back our students and families to Term 2! Students were keen to share their stories from the Easter break and reconnect with their friends and staff.
During the term break we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus - the pinnacle of Christian faith. Such an important celebration isn’t restricted to one weekend, but to a season of 50 days, the Easter Season. During this Easter season I wish you great joy as we celebrate both the life of a new term and the new life of hope and peace that we celebrate in the Risen Jesus. I hope that the renewing presence of the risen Christ was evident to you during this sacred time.
Our building project continues to make progress. During the term break we went out to tender. I am hopeful that we will be able to confirm our builder and some more specific arrangements around mid-May. I will keep you informed as more information comes to hand.
The Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL), is our governing authority. DOBCEL are facilitating two principal pilgrimages this year to Ireland. I will be taking a week of leave at the end of term two to travel to Ireland and walk in the footsteps of St Brigid of Kildare and Catherine McAuley. This pilgrimage will extend into the mid-term break. I feel in an incredibly privileged position to be able to take this leave with the support of the staff team.
I am looking forward to a busy term ahead. I hope to connect with many of you during the Athletics Carnival on Tuesday.
Every blessing,
Sports Day BBQ
We will be holding a BBQ at the oval during our annual Athletics Carnival on Tuesday! If you are available to lend a hand, please contact the office

Egg Cartons wanted for Art!

If you have any empty egg cartons lying around, Mrs Lyons would love some! Please drop them into the office.
Thanks in advance!


to the following students for this week:
No birthdays this week
Tuesday 23rd April
Athletics Carnival @ Alexandra Oval (please note change of venue)
BBQ available - sausages & fruit boxes $2 each
Wednesday 24th April
Marian College student free day
Lunch orders for Friday 26/4 due today
Thursday 25th April
ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 30th April
2025 New Families Information Session @ 6pm
Thursday 2nd May
Black Ranges Cross Country
Friday 3rd May
Catholic Ed Week celebrations in Ararat & Stawell
More info to come
Monday 10th June
King's Birthday
Whole School Prayer Dates
WSP is held each Friday at 2.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room. All welcome!
Friday 26th April - SLC
Friday 3rd May - No WSP
Friday 10th May - JLC1
Friday 17th May - SLC1
Friday 24th May - MLC
Friday 31st May - TBA
Friday 7th June - TBA
Friday 14th June - JLC2
Friday 21st June - SLC2
2024 Student Free Days
This week's Parish Bulletin
Catholic Education Week
Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May

Book Club
Issue 3 orders are due in by Friday 3rd May. Don't forget a percentage from sales go to our school for free books and learning resources!

Our Diocesan Community

In Our Community
Ararat Eagles Net Set Go