Term 4 Week 9 - Friday 1st December 2023
From our Principal
MLC Melbourne Zoo Excursion
It's Christmas Production Week!
SLC Market Day Fridays
Expressions Of Interest - 2024 SAC
Holy Spirit Parish - Sacrament Program
Holy Spirit Parish Bulletin
Good Luck!
Christmas Cards Available For Purchase
2024 Lunch Order Price List
In Our Community
From our Principal
Term 4, Week 9
Advent is the Church season leading up to Christmas. It is a time of waiting and preparing our hearts (and homes) for the birth of Jesus into the world. This first week, we focus on the theme of ‘hope’ - igniting the flame of expectation in our hearts and minds. As we gather in the warmth of the Advent season, we joyfully embrace the first week of this sacred journey. Let us carry this sense of hope forward, uniting us in acts of kindness and compassion, embodying the essence of Advent. Together, as a Catholic school community, we eagerly await the birth of Jesus, embracing the promise of hope that illuminates our path.
Wishing you a week filled with hope and anticipation.
MLC Melbourne Zoo Excursion
Our MLC students have been learning about the main climatic zones and the biomes of the world. Their Zoo experience this week consolidated their understandings of flora, fauna, locations and weather patterns of the different biomes.

It's Christmas Production Week!

Come and join us next Thursday 7th December @ 6pm for our whole school Christmas production!
Wednesday 6th December: Dress Rehearsal
Please make sure your child brings their base costume to school in a clearly named bag for our dress rehearsal on Wednesday.
Thursday 7th December: Nativity Performance
Students should arrive at school by 5:30pm wearing their base costume and go directly to their classrooms where they will put on the rest of their costume. They will be supervised by school staff until the show begins at 6pm. We anticipate that the performance will conclude by 7pm.
SLC Market Day Fridays
As you should now be aware, our senior students are holding Market Days to showcase their small businesses to fundraise for Catholic Mission. Our final one will be held next Friday at recess (11am - 12pm). Stall costs range from 10c to $5. Please bring coins if possible. All welcome!
Expressions Of Interest - 2024 SAC
St Mary's is looking for expressions of interest for the 2024 School Advisory Council (SAC). The SAC is made up of a range of parents who work with the Principal and the Parish Priest. We meet once per term from 6pm-7:30pm (at the latest). The SAC provides a forum for discussion and discernment. We value parent voice and perspectives as these help to inform and support the decisions made by the Principal for the good of school.
Please email Roxanne should you wish to be involved
Holy Spirit Parish - Sacrament Program
For Parents of Children Ready for First Eucharist and Confirmation in Ararat
Parents of children ready for First Eucharist and Confirmation are invited to a meeting at the parish office on Tuesday December 5.
The meeting will be at 3.30pm and repeated at 5.30pm.
This invitation is for parents of children nearing the end of Yr 2 and above.
Why so late in the year?
We had a meeting some months ago and nobody came. (Not advertised well enough?)
While children in Stawell celebrated their sacraments this year, Ararat missed out. We decided to wait a while and set the meeting again.
After the meeting your child's preparation can begin immediately and the sacraments celebrated early next year.

Our birthday celebrations this week:
No birthdays this week!
Holy Spirit Parish Bulletin
Every Friday at 2.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room
Tuesday 5th December
Year 6 Transition Day @ Marian College
Foundation 2024 Transition 2.15pm - 3.15pm
Year 5 Excursion
Sacrament Program meetings @ Parish Office (Year 2 and above)
Session One: 3.30pm
Session Two: 5.30pm
Wednesday 6th December
SSG Meetings
Thursday 7th December
SSG Meetings
Christmas Performance @ 6pm
Friday 8th December
SLC Market Day for Catholic Mission/Sausage Sizzle
SSG Meetings
Last Lunch Order day
Tuesday 12th December
Whole School Transition Day for 2024
Thursday 14th December
End of Year Mass @ 9.15am
Grade 6 Graduation @ 6pm
Friday 15th December
Students Last Day for 2023
Grade 6 Big Day Out
Monday 18th December
Staff Last Day for 2023
Term 1
Monday 29th January
Wednesday 31st January
Thursday 28th March
Last Day of Term 1
Term 2
Monday 15th April
First Day of Term 2
Good Luck!
To our students completing music exams on Monday next week!

Christmas Cards Available For Purchase
Series 1 & Series 2 Christmas Cards are now available to purchase from the office.
20 for $10.
Congratulations to all our featured artists!

2024 Lunch Order Price List
- Some items have had a price increase
- Flavoured Focus Water has been discontinued