Term 3 Week 8 - Friday 1st September 2023
From our Principal
Dear Families,
Earlier this week, I joined my Northern Zone Principal colleagues to engage in some spiritual formation at Lake Mungo. We were invited to walk upon and learn from the landscape that has nourished human life and culture, in an unbroken link, reaching back at least 45,000 years across the expanses of the last ice age.
We learnt about Mungo Woman, who lived on the shores of Lake Mungo 42,000 years ago. She collected bushtucker including fish and shellfish. She was the daughter of many mothers - the generations before her that lived at Mungo since the Dreamtime. Mungo Woman was the keeper of women’s lore - a special cultural knowledge that only women could hold. When she died, her family mourned her. She was cremated and buried.
The burial site of Mungo Woman was found in 1969. She is recognised as the world’s oldest cremated person.
We learnt about Mungo Man who also lived on the shores of Lake Mungo where he fished, hunted and cared for Country - a knowledge passed down to initiated males. His footsteps trod the Dreaming pathways that traced the ancient origins of his land. His knowledge and ritual activity kept the land strong and his culture alive. When he died, his family mourned him. They covered him with red ochre, traded from over 100km away, and lay him on his back with his arms interlocked.
The burial site of Mungo Man was discovered in 1974.
As we approach the Voice referendum, it was a timely place to reflect and learn. With respect for our First Nations’ sisters and brothers let us consider our choice with great generosity as we participate in dialogue about the Voice referendum and other important questions which will follow in the coming years.
A prayer for fathers, grandfathers and all who enhance our lives as male role models:
God took the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree,
the warmth of a summer sun, the calm of a quiet sea,
the generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night,
the wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle’s flight,
the joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed,
the patience of eternity, the depth of a family need,
then God combined these qualities, when there was nothing more to add, God knew the masterpiece was complete, and so, called it … Dad.
Every blessing,
Happy Fathers' Day to our dads, stepdads and special blokes!

Book Week Photo Gallery

As part of the book week celebrations, The Foundation students together with the help of some friends, completed a mural of "Where the Lyre Bird Lives" which was the winning book for the ' Book of the Year - Early Childhood.'

2023 Black Ranges Athletics
The 2023 Black Ranges Athletics Carnival was held at North Park in Stawell yesterday. 21 students across both MLC & SLC were selected from try outs. All students had a fantastic day and did a wonderful job representing our school across a variety of athletics disciplines. Students who finished either first or second in their discipline will now progress through to the Regional Zone Athletics competition. Congratulations!

1st Place Results
Girls 12/13 y/o 4x100 metres Relay Team - Maddison Jardine, Charlotte Start, Indi Buncle, Ella Blandford
Boys 11 y/o 4x100 metres Relay Team - Pat Harrington, Jethro Bourizk, Pieter Jardine, Jack Christie
Maddison Jardine – 12/13 y/o 1500 metres
Pat Harrington – 11 y/o High Jump and 100 metres
Jethro Bourizk – 11 y/o 200 metres
Jack Christie – 800 metres, 1500 metres
2nd Place Results
Charlotte Start – 12/13 y/o 800 metres, High Jump
Ella Blandford – 11 y/o 1500 metres
Jethro Bourizk – 11 y/o Shot Put
Eva Brady – 9/10 y/o Long Jump, 800 metres
Drake Gray – 9/10 y/o Shot Put
3rd Place Results
Indi Buncle – 11 y/o 200 metres
Pieter Jardine – 11 y/o 800 metres, 1500 metres
Ella Blandford – 11 y/o 800 metres
Zebina Lewis – 11 y/o Discus
James Roberts – 9/10 y/o Discus
Footy Colours Day Thursday 14th September
We would like some volunteers to help set up, cook and serve the BBQ on the day, between 10am & 12pm. Please email Jess at jpraag@smararat.catholic.edu.au if you are available to help!
SLC Chemical Science Experiments


Our birthday celebrations this week:
Tyler B
Holy Spirit Parish Bulletin
Friday 15th September
Wednesday 1st November
Every Friday at 2.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room
Monday 4th September
MLC Camp @ Warra Gnan Coastal Camp, Warrnambool
Tuesday 5th September
MLC Camp @ Warra Gnan Coastal Camp, Warrnambool
Friday 8th September
Last Lunch Order Day for Term 3
Monday 11th September
Primary School Golf Tournament
Tuesday 12th September
Footy Colours BBQ Lunch Order & Money due
Thursday 14th September
Last Day of Term 3
Footy Colours Day
BBQ Lunch Order available
Usual 3.15pm finish time
Friday 15th September
Student Free Day - Staff PD
Monday 2nd October
Start of Term 4
Friday 6th October
Lunch Orders return
Tuesday 10th October
Year 7 2024 Info Night @ Marian College
Thursday 19th October
Grade 2 Sleepover
Wednesday 1st November
Student Free Day - Staff PD
Thursday 9th November
JLC Excursion - Ballarat Wildlife Park
Monday 18th December
Students Last Day for 2023
Tuesday 19th December
Staff Last Day for 2023